The return of ABBA has got us all singing “knowing me, knowing you, a-ha”, but do you really know the ins and outs of the French savoir conjugation? Savoir, of course, means “to know”, and if you want to add a little “je ne sais quoi” to your French skills, then it’s a verb that you’re going to find very useful.
When to Use the “Savoir” Conjugation
For facts or in-depth knowledge
Often followed by a subordinate clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction such as que, qui, où, and quand, among others. This shows you have knowledge of something.
On sait qu’il y a plus de 100 milliards d’étoiles dans la Voie Lactée – We know that there are over 100 billion stars in the Milky Way
For skills
Followed by an infinitive verb, it means “to know how to do something”, and is usually translated by “can”.
Je sais danser mais je ne sais pas chanter – I can dance but I can’t sing
For received information
Also introduced by subordinate propositions, this can be used to express something you’ve learned, found out, been told or heard.
Je sais que tu démissionnes, je l’ai entendu au réfectoire – I know you’re quitting (your job), I overheard in the canteen
Savoir is one of many verbs ending in -oir. Once you’ve learned the endings for these verbs it will be much easier for you to use all of the other oir verbs.
Connaître vs. Savoir
There are two verbs in French that mean “to know” depending on the context. As we saw above, savoir is used for facts and figures, received information and skills, so when do we use connaître? Connaître is used to talk about the existence of something, things you’ve already experienced before, as well as for talking about places and people you know. You could also remember it as the way of saying what you’re familiar with.
Unlike savoir, connaître is never followed by a verb. Moreover, it can never be followed by a subordinate proposition introduced by que/qui/où/quand/pourquoi etc. Instead, connaître must be used with a direct object, which may be a person, place, or thing.
- Je pense qu’il connaît ma mere de l’école – I think he knows my mother from school
- Je connais cette chanson, elle est trop bien ! – I know this song, it’s so good!
- Nous connaissons ce logiciel, nous l’utilisons au travail – We know this software, we use it at work
- Ils connaissent Paris, ils y sont allés 3 fois – They know Paris, they’ve been there 3 times
To learn more about connaître, check out our post Everything You Should Know About the French “Connaître” Conjugation.
Savoir Conjugation Present Tense (le présent)
Je sais |
I know |
Tu sais |
You know |
Il/elle sait |
He/she/it knows |
Nous savons |
We know |
Vous savez |
You know (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles savent |
They know |
Est-ce que tu sais combien de personnes habitent dans l’Arctique ? – Do you know how many people live in the Arctic?
Elle sait compter jusqu’à 10 déjà – She already knows how to count to 10
Nous savons comment utiliser l’imprimante – We know how to use the printer
Savoir Conjugation Imperfect Tense (l’imparfait)
Je savais |
I knew |
Tu savais |
You knew |
Il/elle savait |
He/she/it knew |
Nous savions |
We knew |
Vous saviez |
You knew (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles savaient |
They knew |
The French imperfect tense can usually be translated with “used to”. It makes it easy to understand and to remember. Unfortunately, with the “savoir” conjugation it’s not quite so straightforward. The imperfect tense is in fact used more frequently than le passé composé with this verb. It is used to express that you knew something in the past, or you already knew something prior to the present moment, as is the case for exclamations as you can see in the first example…
Je le savais ! – I knew it!
Il savait qu’elle était militaire mais il ne savait pas qu’elle était pilote – He knew she was in the military, but he didn’t know she was a pilot
Vous saviez qu’il fallait commander en avance – You knew you had to order in advance
Savoir Conjugation Passé Composé
J’ai su |
I knew |
Tu as su |
You knew |
Il/elle a su |
He/she/it knew |
Nous avons su |
We knew |
Vous avez su |
You knew (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles ont su |
They knew |
You’re probably used to using le passé composé to talk about the past tense, yet with the verb savoir the meaning is sometimes slightly different. This tense is often used to talk about when you came to know something, or when you “found out”.
Je l’ai su hier lors de la réunion – I found out yesterday during the meeting
Elle a su la date depuis 3 semaines, elle devrait être prête – She has known the date for 3 weeks, she should be ready
Ils ont su qu’ils partaient en vacances au moment d’arriver à l’aéroport – They knew they were going on vacation the moment they arrived at the airport
Savoir Conjugation Simple Future (le futur simple)
Je saurai |
I will know |
Tu sauras |
You will know |
Il/elle saura |
He/she/it will know |
Nous saurons |
We will know |
Vous saurez |
You will know (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles sauront |
They will know |
Si tu n’est pas sage, je saurai – If you’re not nice, I’ll know
Nous saurons si c’est ne pas fait maison – We’ll know if it’s not homemade
Vous saurez si tout va bien dès que nous recevrons l’information – You’ll know if everything’s ok as soon as we receive the information
Savoir Conjugation Near Future (le futur proche)
Je vais savoir |
I’m going to know |
Tu vas savoir |
You’re going to know |
Il/elle va savoir |
He/she/it is going to know |
Nous allons savoir |
We’re going to know |
Vous allez savoir |
You’re going to know (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles vont savoir |
They’re going to know |
S’il me ment, je vais le savoir – If he’s lying to me, I’ll know about it
Il va savoir exactement comment réagir dans telle situation – He’s going to know exactly how to react in such a situation
Nous allons savoir comment faire les multiplications à l’ancien – We’re going to learn how to do multiplication the old-fashioned way
Savoir Conjugation Past Perfect (le plus-que-parfait)
J’avais su |
I had known |
Tu avais su |
You had known |
Il/elle avait su |
He/she/it had known |
Nous avions su |
We had known |
Vous aviez su |
You had known (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles avaient su |
They had known |
Si j’avais su que tu venais, j’aurai fait plus d’effort – If I had known you were coming, I’d have made more effort
Tu n’aurais pas mangé le poisson si tu avais su que tu étais allergique – You wouldn’t have eaten the fish if you had known you were allergic
S’ils avaient su avant nous, ils nous auraient prévenus – If they had known before us, they would have warned us
Savoir Conditionnel Passé (Past Conditional)
J’aurais su |
I would have known |
Tu aurais su |
You would have known |
Il/elle aurait su |
He/she/it would have known |
Nous aurions su |
We would have known |
Vous auriez su |
You would have known (formal/plural) |
Ils/elles auraient su |
They would have known |
S’il y avait plus d’indices, j’aurais su la réponse plus vite – If there were more clues, I would’ve known the answer sooner
Tu aurais su comment démarrer la voiture si tu avais écouté le mécanicien – You would have known how to start the car if you had listened to the mechanic
Elles auraient su où était la gare si elles avaient lu les instructions – They would’ve known where the train station was if they had read the directions
Savoir Subjunctive (le Subjonctif Présent)
que je sache |
that I know |
que tu saches |
that you know |
qu’il/elle/on sache |
that he/she/it knows |
que nous sachions |
that we know |
que vous sachiez |
that you know (formal/plural) |
qu’ils/elles sachent |
that they know |
The subjunctive mood is only used after certain verbs, such as those that express want/desire, doubt and emotion. This tense is always introduced by “que”, which is how you know that you may have to employ the subjunctive. If you’re not familiar with the subjunctive mood then don’t worry about it, it’s something you can work on later on once you’re comfortable with the other tenses.
Il faut absolument que je sache où tu as mis mes clés – I absolutely must know where you have put my keys
Je veux que tu saches que je t’aime – I want you to know that I love you
Il est important que nous sachions qui lui fournit ses matériaux – It’s important that we know who provides him with his materials
Expressions with Savoir
There are some expressions that the English language has borrowed from French, meaning that you might already be familiar with them, and some which just might surprise you.
The first three all use two verbs in the infinitive form, the first being savoir.
Savoir-faire – Know-how
Literal translation: To know to do
Il faut un certain savoir-faire pour faire ce métier – It requires a certain know-how to do this job
Savoir-vivre – Good manners/etiquette
Literal translation: To know to live
Ils sont impolis, ils n’ont aucun savoir-vivre – They’re rude, they have no manners at all
Savoir-être – Social skills
Literal translation: To know to be
Elle aime être seule, elle n’a pas de savoir-être – She like being alone, she has no social skills
Je-ne-sais-quoi – a touch/hint of something
Literal translation: I don’t know what
While this is used in English for an indefinable quality, that’s not the case in French. It’s commonly used before an adjective to mean “a small amount of”.
Je vois un je-ne-sais-quoi de tristesse dans ses yeux – I can see a hint of sadness in his eyes
Monsieur/Madame je-sais-tout – Know-it-all
Literal translation: Mr/Mrs I-know-everything
Il se vante quand il reçoit ses notes, c’est un monsieur je-sais-tout – He brags when he gets his grades, he’s a know-it-all
Le savoir c’est le pouvoir – Knowledge is power
Literal translation: Knowledge, it’s power
Il faut beaucoup lire, car le savoir, c’est le pouvoir – You have to read a lot, because knowledge is power
Je n’en sais rien – I don’t know anything about it
Literal translation: I know nothing of it
This can be used in a similar way to “I don’t know” but it is a little more powerful.
“Où est-ce qu’elle est allée ? Et avec qui ?” – “Where has she gone. And who with?”
“Je n’en sais rien !” – “I don’t know anything about it!”
Ne rien savoir faire de ses dix doigts – To be completely useless, to not know one’s a** from one’s elbow
Literal translation: To not know how to do anything with his ten fingers
J’ai demandé que mon frère m’aide mais il ne sait rien faire de ses 10 doigts! – I asked my brother to help me but he doesn’t know his ass from his elbow!
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