
/konˈtado/, [kõn̪ˈt̪a.ð̞o]

cash, counted

  • Tom le ha contado a Mary todo lo que sabe acerca del tema.

    Tom has told Mary all he knows about the matter.

  • Tom no debería haberle contado sus secretos a Mary.

    Tom shouldn't have told Mary his secrets.

  • Aún no se lo he contado a Tom.

    I haven't told Tom yet.

  • Deberías haberme contado la verdad.

    You should have told me the truth.

  • Debería habértelo contado.

    I should've told you.

  • Me ha contado una historia interesante.

    He told me an interesting story.

  • Ojalá no le hubieras contado nada acerca del plan.

    I wish you had not told him about the plan.

  • No debería haberte contado nada.

    I shouldn't have told you anything.

  • ¿Ya le has contado las noticias a tu amigo?

    Have you told your friend the news yet?

  • No sé nada de él aparte de lo que tú me has contado.

    I know nothing about him beyond what you told me.

  • Cuando nos viste en el salón, él ya me había contado la verdad.

    When you saw us in the sitting room, he had already told me the truth.

  • ¿Podés pagar al contado?

    Can you pay cash?

  • ¿Va usted a pagar al contado?

    Will you pay cash?

  • Tú debiste de haberme contado la verdad.

    You should have told me the truth.

  • Todo lo que te hemos contado es cierto.

    Everything we've told you is true.

  • No tengo dinero suficiente para comprar el producto al contado.

    I don't have enough money to pay for the product in cash.

  • Tenías que haberme contado la historia completa.

    You should have told me the whole story.

  • Todavía no me has contado por qué dejaste el trabajo.

    You still haven't told me why you quit your job.

  • Me tenías que haber contado la historia completa.

    You had better tell me the whole story.

  • Podrías habérmelo contado hace mucho tiempo.

    You might have told me about it long ago.

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