
/kontɾoˈlaɾ/, [kõn̪.t̪ɾoˈlaɾ]

check, control

  • Le fue muy difícil controlar sus emociones.

    It was very difficult for her to control her emotions.

  • A Tom no le gusta no ser capaz de controlar a María.

    Tom doesn't like not being able to control Mary.

  • Tom hizo lo que pudo para controlar su temperamento.

    Tom did his best to keep temper under control.

  • Ella no puede controlar sus emociones.

    She can't control her emotions.

  • No me puedo controlar.

    I can't control myself.

  • Bob no podía controlar su ira.

    Bob could not control his anger.

  • Tom no puede controlar a sus hijos.

    Tom can't control his children.

  • Desearía averiguar como controlar mi apetito.

    I wish I could figure out how to control my appetite.

  • Montoya tiene una báscula digital en el baño y la usa una vez por semana para controlar su peso.

    Montoya has a digital scale in the bathroom and uses it once a week to control his weight.

  • Un observatorio regional será dirigido para controlar la ejecución del plan.

    A regional observatory will be directed to monitor the execution of the plan.

  • Aquel que busca controlar el destino nunca encontrará paz.

    He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.

  • Tom no pudo controlar su enfado.

    Tom couldn't control his anger.

  • Ella no puede controlar a sus niños.

    She can't control her children.

  • No pude controlar mis lágrimas.

    I couldn't control my tears.

  • Tom no se pudo controlar.

    Tom couldn't control himself.

  • Cómo controlar la contaminación ambiental es un problema serio.

    How to deal with environmental pollution is a serious matter.

  • Tom no pudo controlar sus emociones.

    Tom couldn't control his emotions.

  • Controlar la furia propia es una virtud.

    Suppressing one's anger is a virtue.

  • La policía no pudo controlar a la turba.

    The police could not control the mob.

  • No puedo controlar a Tom.

    I can't control Tom.

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