break, rest
Tomemos un descanso, ¿no?
Let's break off, shall we?
Me puedo tomar un descanso.
I can take a rest.
El descanso es desde las 10:40h hasta las 11h.
We have a break from 10:40 to 11:00.
Como andaba cansado, me dí un descanso.
As I was tired, I took a rest.
Las moscas zumban sin descanso.
The flies buzz restlessly.
Tom necesita un descanso.
Tom needs a rest.
Yo pienso que mejor hubieras tomado un descanso.
I think you had better take a rest.
Te ves agotada, mejor toma un descanso.
Since you look tired, you had better take a rest.
Le aconsejé tomar un descanso.
I advised him to take a rest.
Él propuso que nos tomáramos un pequeño descanso.
He proposed that we take a small break.
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