/ˈeʝas/, [ˈe.ʝas], /ˈeʝas/, [ˈe.ʝas]they
Ellas hablan sobre nosotras.
They speak about us.
Ellas fueron a la piscina pública.
They went to the public swimming pool.
Cuando dos almas... dos corazones están destinados a estar juntos la distancia entre ellas resulta ser sólo un detalle. Todo está en saber esperar.
When two souls... two hearts are meant for each other, the distance between them turns out to be just a detail. It's all about the ability to wait.
Ellas dormían en la misma cama.
They slept in the same bed.
Ellas son mayores que Tom.
They are older than Tom.
Ellas la respetan a usted.
They respect you.
Ellas aceptaron la oferta.
They accepted the offer.
No hay que irritarse con las cosas, pues a ellas nada les importa.
It is not right to vex ourselves at things, for they care nought about it.
Quizás ellas tengan algo.
Maybe they have something.
Ellas se pusieron nerviosas.
They became nervous.
Ellas molestaron a la estudiante nueva.
They teased the new student.
Las ideas no son responsables de lo que los hombres hacen con ellas.
Ideas are not responsible for what men do with them.
Trabajaremos para ellas.
We'll work for them.
Ellas temen a la muerte.
They are afraid of death.
La mujer es un sexo decorativo. Ellas nunca tienen nada que decir, pero lo dicen con encanto.
Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly.
Ellas lo compraron.
They bought it.
Sé de lo que ellas son capaces.
I know what they're capable of.
Ellas no pueden detenerla.
They cannot stop her.
Escaleras arriba había cuatro camas hechas, pero en tres de ellas nadie había dormido.
Upstairs there were four made beds, but on three nobody ever slept.
Ellas son muy populares entre los chicos.
They are very popular among boys.
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