
/ˈe/, [ˈe]

he, i, i have

  • He depositado el dinero en el banco.

    I've deposited the money in the bank.

  • ¡Me he olvidado de cerrar el gas!

    I forgot to turn off the gas!

  • Siempre he querido ver tu casa.

    I've always wanted to see your house.

  • Acabo de decirte algo que no he dicho nunca a nadie más.

    I just told you something I've never told anyone else.

  • Solo he ido una vez a Boston.

    I've been to Boston only once.

  • Eso es lo que he querido comprar.

    That is what I have wanted to buy.

  • He leído muchas de sus novelas traducidas.

    I have read many of his novels in translation.

  • He oído acerca de ti.

    I've heard of you.

  • Sé que he estado actuando extraño.

    I know I've been acting strangely.

  • He perdido mis cheques de viaje.

    I lost my travelers checks.

  • La conozco de vista, pero nunca he hablado con ella.

    I know her by sight, but I've never spoken to her.

  • He estado pensando mucho en ti.

    I've been thinking about you a lot.

  • Me he agripado y me duele la cabeza.

    I've caught a cold and my head hurts.

  • Creo que lo he entendido.

    I think I understood.

  • Ya he cerrado el trato

    I've already made the deal.

  • Aún no he dicho nada.

    I haven't said anything yet.

  • He escuchado que vas a lanzar una nueva empresa.

    I hear you'll set up a new company.

  • Ya te lo he mencionado antes.

    I have mentioned it to you before.

  • No me he lavado el pelo.

    I haven't washed my hair.

  • Ya me he cansado de Tom y Mary.

    I’ve had enough of Tom and Mary.

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