/neˈɡoθjo/, [neˈɣ̞o.θjo]business
Es mi negocio investigar tales cosas.
It's my business to investigate such things.
¿Cuánto sacó usted del negocio?
How much did you get out of the deal?
Procrastinación: es negocio serio.
Procrastination: It's serious business.
Vendió su negocio y se jubiló.
He sold his business and retired.
Supongo que ella tendrá éxito en su negocio.
I figure that she will succeed in her business.
No sé quién está al frente del negocio.
I don't know who's in charge of the business.
¿Cómo va el negocio?
How's business?
El éxito de nuestro negocio depende del clima.
The success of our business depends on the weather.
El negocio de John resultó ser un fracaso total.
John's business has turned out to be a complete failure.
Yo hice un negocio.
I made a deal.
Ella inició su negocio con un capital de $2000.
Her business was started with capital of $2000.
El puso todo su empeño al servicio del negocio.
He is putting all his effort into the service of the business.
Él decidió quedarse y continuar con el negocio de su padre.
He decided to stay and carry on his father's business.
El Internet es negocio serio.
The Internet is serious business.
A él le gusta alardear acerca del exitoso negocio de vehículos de su padre.
He likes to boast about his father's successful automobile business.
Su negocio ha ido de mal en peor.
His business has gone from bad to worse.
En este negocio no se vende licor.
Liquor is not sold at this store.
Este es mi negocio.
This is my business.
Cuando tu negocio se ponga a andar, ahí hablaremos de un aumento.
When your business gets rolling we'll talk about an increase.
Al jubilarse su padre, él heredó el negocio.
On his father's retirement he took over the business.
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