
/keˈɾeɾ/, [keˈɾeɾ]

to want, want

  • ¿Tienes alguna idea de por qué alguien iba a querer matar a Tom?

    Do you have any idea why someone would want to kill Tom?

  • Alguien más podría querer tu viejo escritorio si tu ya no lo quieres.

    Someone else might want your old desk if you don't want it anymore.

  • Quiero querer lo que tú quieres.

    I want to want what you want.

  • Vas a querer ver esto.

    You'll want to see this.

  • Es difícil querer a dos personas cuando no sabes si esas dos personas te quieren tanto como tú a ellas.

    It's hard to love two when you don't know whether the two love you as much as you love both.

  • Él no está seguro de querer hacerlo.

    He's not sure he wants to do this.

  • Yo soy la única persona en el mundo que yo debería querer conocer minuciosamente.

    I am the only person in the world I should like to know thoroughly.

  • Era la clase de coche extraño que me hace querer soltar, "¿qué diablos es eso?"

    It was the sort of weird car that made me want to blurt out, "what the heck is that?"

  • Nunca te dejaré de querer.

    I'll never stop loving you.

  • Si ves que un hombre se acerca a ti con la obvia intención de querer ayudarte, deberías correr por tu vida.

    If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life.

  • Querer es poder.

    Where there's a will, there's a way.

  • Alguien puede ofender las sensibilidades de un artista, pero nadie parece querer apoyar financieramente a los artistas.

    Anyone can offend an artist's sensibilities, but no one seems to wish to support artists financially.

  • Querer protegerme de mí mismo es casi tan ingenioso como querer salvar a un pez de ahogarse.

    Wanting to protect me from myself is about as ingenious as saving a fish from drowning.

  • Sin querer, le dijo exactamente lo que quería saber.

    Unwittingly, he told her exactly what she wanted to know.

  • Tom vertió sin querer la botella de agua.

    Tom accidentally knocked over the bottle of water.

  • Algunas personas parecen querer tener siempre la última palabra.

    Some people seem to always want to have the last word.

  • ¿Por qué ibas a querer eso?

    Why would you want it?

  • Creo que podrías querer echar un vistazo a esto.

    I think you might want to check this out.

  • Tom no parece querer tener nada que ver conmigo.

    Tom doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with me.

  • No la conozco y no creo querer conocerla.

    I don't know her and I don't think I want to.

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