
/keˈɾido/, [keˈɾi.ð̞o]


  • Siempre he querido conocerte.

    I've always wanted to meet you.

  • Exactamente, mi querido.

    Exactly, my dear.

  • Luego de que Tom fuera promovido a director de administración, María le dijo que derrochara en el traje italiano a la medida que siempre había querido pero nunca había podido pagar.

    After Tom was promoted to managing director, Mary told him to splurge on the made-to-measure Italian suit he'd always wanted but never before could afford.

  • ¿Si él hubiera estado allí, habrías querido venir?

    Had he been there, would you have wanted to come?

  • Siempre he querido conocerles.

    I've always wanted to meet you.

  • Habría querido verla.

    I wish I had seen her.

  • Nunca le ha querido nadie.

    Nobody has ever loved him.

  • Siempre he querido tener un auto deportivo.

    I've always wanted to own a sports car.

  • Siempre he querido aprender a nadar.

    I've always wanted to learn how to swim.

  • Esta es la cámara que he querido por mucho tiempo.

    This is the very camera I've wanted for a long time.

  • Siempre he querido conocerle.

    I've always wanted to meet you.

  • Mi querido gatito desapareció hace una semana.

    My dear little cat disappeared a week ago.

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