
/senˈtado/, [sẽn̪ˈt̪a.ð̞o]

seated, sitting

  • Di por sentado que él cumpliría su palabra.

    I took it for granted that he would keep his word.

  • Un gato estaba sentado en la silla.

    A cat was sitting on the chair.

  • Conozco al hombre que está sentado ahí.

    I know the man sitting over there.

  • Quedate sentado, por favor.

    Remain seated, please.

  • Doy por sentado que mi respuesta es correcta.

    I take for granted that my answer is correct.

  • ¡Sigue sentado!

    Remain seated!

  • Él estaba sentado con los brazos cruzados.

    He was sitting with his arms folded.

  • Estaba sentado en una banca con los ojos cerrados.

    He was sitting on a bench with his eyes closed.

  • Quédate sentado, por favor.

    Remain seated, please.

  • Está sentado en el banco.

    He's sitting on the bench.

  • Se había sentado un momento a dejar descansar a sus piernas cansadas y de repente miró hacia arriba y vio a una anciana ante él.

    He'd sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs and suddenly looked up and saw an elderly woman before him.

  • Yo estaba sentado mientras fumaba en pipa.

    I sat smoking a pipe.

  • Ahí había alguien sentado leyendo un libro.

    There was someone sitting on a bench reading a book there.

  • Tom estaba sentado de piernas cruzadas en su cama escribiendo en su notebook.

    Tom was sitting cross-legged on his bed, typing on his laptop.

  • ¡Siga sentado!

    Remain seated!

  • Tom estaba sentado en un banco comiendo algo que parecía una manzana.

    Tom was sitting on a bench eating something that looked like an apple.

  • Estoy sentado en una fila.

    I am sitting in a row.

  • Un anciano estaba sentado solo en un camino oscuro.

    An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path.

  • Está sentado en la sala de espera.

    He's sitting in the waiting room.

  • Tomamos por sentado que tendrá éxito en su negocio.

    We take it for granted that he will succeed in his business.

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