
/ˈsido/, [ˈsi.ð̞o]


  • Él ha sido operado de la pierna izquierda.

    He has had surgery on his left leg.

  • Esta ha sido la tendencia de los últimos veinte años.

    This has been the trend for the past twenty years.

  • Goethe se consideraba un hombre feliz y manifestó que había sido feliz durante tres semanas en toda su vida.

    Goethe considered himself a happy man and reported being happy for three weeks in his life.

  • Me acuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer.

    I remember it as if it were yesterday.

  • Ella me preguntó qué había sido de él.

    She asked me what had become of him.

  • Ha sido un placer hablar con usted.

    It's been a pleasure talking to you.

  • Este año ha sido un año con suerte para él.

    This year has been a lucky one for him.

  • Él se consoló con la idea de que pudo haber sido peor.

    He consoled himself with the thought that it might have been worse.

  • Aunque la mayoría de las islas en el océano han sido mapeadas, el suelo oceánico es por lo general desconocido.

    Although most islands in the ocean have been mapped, the ocean floor is generally unknown.

  • Hubiera sido mejor que le preguntaras qué camino tomar.

    You had better ask him which way to take.

  • Si hubiese sido honesto, lo habría contratado.

    If he had been honest, I would have employed him.

  • Pudo haber sido Tom.

    It could've been Tom.

  • A su vuelta dijo, "ha sido un tour maravilloso".

    He said on his return, "It has been a wonderful tour."

  • Este año la producción de la granja ha sido mejor que lo esperado.

    The farm production of this year is better than we expected.

  • Habría sido mejor si te hubieras quedado con Tom.

    It would've been better if you'd stayed with Tom.

  • Unos 20 temas han sido acordados.

    Some 20 issues have been agreed on.

  • Si no hubiera sido por su ayuda, yo habría fracasado.

    Had it not been for his help, I should have failed.

  • Debe haber sido cosa de su hermana.

    It must have been his sister's doing.

  • Los vecinos ven que el buzón no ha sido vaciado.

    The neighbours see that the mailbox hasn't been emptied.

  • Ganar suficiente dinero para mantener a su gran familia no ha sido fácil para Tom.

    It hasn't been easy for Tom to earn enough money to support his large family.

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