/biˈbido/, [biˈβ̞i.ð̞o]lived, vivid
¿Por cuánto han vivido aquí?
How long have you lived here?
Le dio un obsequio que le recordaría los días felices que habían vivido juntos.
He gave her a gift that would remind her of the happy days they experienced together.
El anciano ha vivido aquí toda su vida.
The old man has lived here all his life.
Hemos vivido en este pueblo durante cinco años.
We have lived in this town for five years.
Cuando la vida se ha vivido bien, cuando la conciencia no tiene reproches, cuando hay fe en el Salvador, cuando hay una esperanza bien fundada de ir al cielo, no puede haber nada que nos pueda perturbar.
When life has been well spent; when there is a conscience without reproach; when there is faith in the Saviour; when there is a well-founded hope of heaven, there can be nothing that should disquiet us.
¿Has vivido aquí?
Did you live here?
Tom ha vivido solo desde la muerte de su esposa.
Tom has lived alone ever since his wife died.
He vivido aquí mi vida entera.
I've lived here my whole life.
Ella ha vivido siempre en Otaru.
She has always lived in Otaru.
Tom ha vivido en Nueva York desde que era pequeño.
Tom has lived in New York since he was a child.
Mi tío ha vivido muchos años en el extranjero.
My uncle lived abroad for many years.
¿Has vivido alguna vez en un edificio viejo?
Have you ever lived in an old building?
No creo que nadie haya vivido en esta casa en años.
I don't think anyone has lived in this house for years.
Mi tío ha vivido en París durante diez años.
My uncle has lived in Paris for ten years.
He vivido en China durante seis meses.
I've lived in China for six months.
Ha vivido aquí toda su vida.
He's lived here his entire life.
A los 25 años, ella había vivido en cinco países diferentes.
By the age of 25, she had lived in five different countries.
Han vivido en esta ciudad diez años.
They have lived in this town for ten years.
Había vivido en Osaka dieciocho años cuando me mudé a Tokio.
I had lived in Osaka for eighteen years when I moved to Tokyo.
Nunca hemos vivido aquí.
We've never lived here.
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