/ˈʝo/, [ˈɟ͡ʝo], /ˈʝo/, [ˈɟ͡ʝo]i, me
Yo sé lo que es aquello.
I know what that is.
Yo estoy curioso.
I am curious.
Yo pienso que él se ve mejor con barba.
I think that he looks better with a beard.
Él es el doble de viejo que yo.
He is twice as old as I.
Yo sólo quiero un lugar que esté cerca de la playa y del centro de la ciudad.
I just want a place that is near the beach and the city centre.
Yo no quiero que Tom se enoje.
I don't want Tom to be angry.
Bill es dos años mayor que yo.
Bill is two years older than I.
Yo no era una buena madre.
I was not a good mother.
Yo corría como un rayo.
I ran as fast as lightning.
Yo podía correr bastante más rápido cuando era joven.
I could run quite a bit faster when I was young.
Yo no quiero aprender tu idioma.
I don't want to learn your language.
Yo no vi nada sospechoso.
I didn't see anything suspicious.
Mantén los ojos cerrados hasta que yo diga que los abras.
Keep your eyes closed until I say that you should open them.
Ella corre más rápido que yo.
She runs faster than I do.
Yo tengo un hermano mayor y dos hermanas menores.
I have an older brother and two younger sisters.
Yo viajé por todo América.
I traveled far and wide in America.
Yo haré mi tarea más tarde.
I’ll do my homework later.
Él estaba enfadado porque yo lo había insultado.
He was angry that I had insulted him.
Yo pienso que ella es muy atractiva.
I think she is very attractive.
Después de graduarme de la universidad, yo pasé dos años viajando alrededor del mundo.
After I graduated from college, I spent two years traveling around the world.
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