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Brave in French

Brave in French is courageux

Example Sentences

  • Tu es très courageux.
    You are very brave., You're very brave. Source
  • Il fut un guerrier courageux, qui avait passé la plus grande partie de sa vie à combattre ses ennemis.
    He was a brave warrior who had spent most of his life fighting his enemies. Source
  • C'est un garçon gai et courageux.
    He is a brave and cheerful boy. Source

More Examples of Brave in French

  • Vous êtes très courageuse.
    You are very brave., You're very brave. Source
  • Vous êtes un brave homme.
    You're a brave man. Source
  • Elle est brave et honnête.
    She's brave and honest. Source
  • John a fait une chose courageuse.
    John did a brave thing. Source
  • Vous êtes fort braves.
    You're very brave. Source

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Brave in French translation and example sentences.

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