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Buy in French

Buy in French is acheter

Example Sentences

  • Tu devrais te l'acheter.
    You should buy it for yourself. Source
  • Elle est à deux doigts de l'acheter.
    She's on the verge of buying it. Source
  • Acheter une voiture aussi chère est hors de question.
    Buying such an expensive car is out of the question. Source
  • Il voulait acheter le livre.
    He wanted to buy the book. Source
  • Je désire acheter un nouvel ordinateur.
    I want to buy a new computer. Source
  • L'homme le plus riche du monde ne peut pas tout acheter.
    The richest man in the world cannot buy everything. Source
  • Tu dois faire la queue pour acheter un ticket.
    You must stand in a line to buy the ticket. Source
  • Je n'ai pas l'argent pour acheter une voiture.
    I don't have the money to buy a car. Source
  • Je veux racheter ma maison.
    I want to buy my house back. Source
  • Tu devrais lui acheter de nouveaux jouets.
    You should buy him new toys., You should buy her new toys. Source
  • Je veux acheter une douzaine de bananes.
    I want to buy a dozen bananas. Source
  • Elle va leur acheter cela en cadeau.
    She's going to buy them that as a gift. Source
  • Je ne sais pas comment acheter un billet.
    I don't know how to buy a ticket. Source
  • Je voulais vous acheter quelque chose de chouette.
    I wanted to buy you something nice. Source

More Examples of Buy in French

  • Achetez bas, vendez haut !
    Buy low, sell high. Source
  • Il est temps que tu achètes une nouvelle voiture.
    It's time for you to buy a new car. Source
  • Je ne marche pas, un point c'est tout.
    I just don't buy it. Source
  • Je veux faire l'acquisition de ce tissu pour une nouvelle robe. Combien coûte-t-il ?
    I want to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost? Source
  • Pourquoi n'en achetez-vous pas simplement un nouveau ?
    Why don't you just buy a new one? Source

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Buy in French translation and example sentences.

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