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Cat in French

Cat in French is chat

Example Sentences

  • Je préfère les chiens aux chats, car les premiers sont plus fidèles que les derniers.
    I like a dog better than a cat, for the former is more faithful than the latter. Source
  • Cessez de frapper le chat !
    Stop hitting the cat! Source
  • « Maou », fit le chat en me regardant.
    "Meow," said the cat and it looked at me. Source
  • Le chat est dans le puits.
    The cat is in the well. Source
  • Elle a un chat blanc.
    She has a white cat. Source
  • Qu'est-ce que le chat a en tête ?
    What is the cat up to? Source
  • Mon chat adore les crevettes.
    My cat loves shrimp. Source
  • Le chat est sur le tapis.
    The cat is on the mat., The cat is on the rug. Source
  • Un chat a neuf vies.
    A cat has nine lives. Source
  • Le chat a poursuivi la souris.
    The cat has pursued the mouse. Source
  • Je prendrai soin du chat.
    I'll take care of the cat. Source
  • Le chat est caché sous le canapé.
    The cat is hiding under the couch. Source
  • Il y a du poil de chat partout.
    There is cat hair all over the place. Source
  • Ce chat est marron.
    That cat is brown. Source
  • Mon chat me manque.
    I miss my cat. Source
  • Le chat a planté ses griffes dans ma main.
    The cat dug its claws into my hand. Source
  • Mon cher petit chat a disparu depuis une semaine.
    My dear little cat has been missing for a week., My dear little cat disappeared a week ago. Source

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Cat in French translation and example sentences.

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