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Difficult in French

Difficult in French is difficile

Example Sentences

  • Apparemment, il devient plus difficile d'obtenir un bon emploi.
    Apparently, it's getting more difficult to find a good job. Source
  • C'est difficile.
    This is difficult., It's hard. Source
  • Il est difficile de les transporter par voie terrestre, mais facile de le faire par la mer.
    It's very difficult to transport them overland, but simple to do so by sea. Source
  • Ce livre est trop difficile à comprendre.
    This book is too difficult to understand. Source
  • J'ai pensé que ce serait difficile pour elle d'avoir un billet.
    I thought it difficult for her to get the ticket. Source
  • Il est difficile de comprendre pourquoi tu veux y aller.
    It's difficult to understand why you want to go. Source
  • Écrit en des termes techniques, ce livre est très difficile à comprendre.
    Written in technical terms, this book is very difficult to understand. Source
  • Les livres de ce genre sont trop difficiles pour lui.
    Books such as these are too difficult for him. Source
  • Sa théorie est difficile à comprendre.
    It is difficult to understand his theory., His theory is difficult to understand. Source
  • Ce n'est pas vraiment aussi difficile à faire que ça n'en a l'air.
    It's not quite as difficult to do as it sounds. Source
  • Ce n'est pas aussi difficile que vous le pensez.
    It is not so difficult as you think. Source
  • En 1940 il était difficile de vivre.
    In 1940, life was difficult. Source
  • C'est une tâche difficile, choisir ce qui est "bon" ou "mauvais", mais il faut le faire.
    It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it. Source
  • Son nom est très difficile à se rappeler.
    His name is very difficult to remember. Source
  • Pourquoi l'amour est-il si difficile ?
    Why is love so difficult? Source
  • Je veux lui laisser ce travail difficile.
    I want to leave this difficult job to her. Source
  • Elle a dû subir une opération difficile.
    She had to undergo a difficult operation. Source

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Difficult in French translation and example sentences.

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