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Exactly in French

Exactly in French is exactement

Example Sentences

  • J'ignore exactement comment et pourquoi cela s'est produit.
    I don't know exactly how or why that happened. Source
  • Quelles sont, exactement, ses références ?
    What exactly are his credentials ? Source
  • C'est exactement ce que j'escompte.
    That's exactly what I expect. Source
  • Exactement !
    Exactly! Source
  • J'ignore exactement comment et pourquoi c'est arrivé.
    I don't know exactly how or why that happened. Source
  • Qu'as-tu dit, exactement ?
    What exactly did you say? Source
  • Je sais exactement où je veux aller.
    I know exactly where I want to go. Source
  • Que font-ils exactement, là-dedans ?
    What exactly are they doing in there? Source
  • Elle sait exactement comment le faire jouir.
    She knows exactly how to make him come. Source
  • Qu'est-ce que je suis censé payer exactement ?
    What exactly am I paying for? Source

More Examples of Exactly in French

  • Et ton livre, de quoi il parle ?
    What exactly is your book about? Source

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Exactly in French translation and example sentences.

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