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I understand in French

I understand in French is je comprends

Example Sentences

  • "Je comprends ce que tu ressens, Hiroshi," dit Mike.
    "I understand how you feel, Hiroshi," says Mike. Source
  • Je comprends votre problème.
    I understand your problem. Source
  • Maintenant je comprends.
    Now I understand. Source
  • Je comprends tes raisons.
    I understand your reasons. Source
  • Ah, maintenant je comprends.
    Oh, now I understand. Source
  • Je crois que je comprends.
    I believe I understand. Source
  • Je comprends ça.
    I understand this. Source
  • Je sens que je comprends tes sentiments.
    I feel like I understand your feelings., I feel that I understand your feelings. Source
  • Je comprends ce que vous avez ressenti.
    I understand how you felt. Source
  • Je comprends un petit peu, mais je ne sais pas le parler.
    I understand it a little, but I can't speak it. Source

More Examples of I understand in French

  • Je pense avoir compris.
    I think I understand. Source
  • Pas besoin de traduire cette phrase. Je la comprends.
    No need to translate this sentence. I understand it. Source
  • Oui, je vous comprends bien.
    Yes, I understand you well. Source
  • Je te comprends.
    I understand you. Source
  • Oui, je te comprends bien.
    Yes, I understand you well. Source
  • Je vous comprends.
    I understand you. Source

Looking for something a bit more visual? Check out our infographic on I understand in French with example sentences and translations.

I understand in French translation and example sentences.

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