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Let's go in Italian

Let's go in Italian is Andiamo

Example Sentences

  • Andiamo ora.
    Let's go now. Source
  • Andiamo!
    Let's get going., Let's go!, Let's go. Source
  • Andiamo a prenderci una birra.
    Let's go have a beer., Let's go get a beer. Source
  • Andiamo a casa!
    Let's go home!, Let's go home. Source
  • Andiamo a trovarla.
    Let's go visit her., Let's go find her., Let's go and find her. Source
  • Sì, andiamo!
    Yeah, let's go! Source
  • Andiamo tutti assieme!
    Let's go all together! Source
  • Andiamo fuori a mangiare.
    Let's go out to eat., Let's go outside and eat. Source
  • Andiamo adesso.
    Let's go now. Source
  • Andiamo a ballare, che dici?
    Let's go dancing, shall we? Source
  • Andiamo in autobus.
    Let's go by bus. Source
  • Andiamo a prendere il pranzo.
    Let's go get lunch. Source
  • Andiamo appena smette di piovere.
    Let's go as soon as it stops raining. Source
  • Andiamo a trovarlo.
    Let's go visit him., Let's go find him., Let's go and find him. Source
  • Andiamo via.
    Let's go away., Let's leave. Source
  • Se hai tempo, andiamo a fare shopping.
    If you have time, let's go shopping. Source
  • Andiamo a vedere il maggior numero possibile di cose.
    Let's go and see as many things as we can. Source
  • Andiamo a ballare, che dice?
    Let's go dancing, shall we? Source
  • Lui è generoso, quindi andiamo con lui.
    He's generous, so let's go with him. Source
  • Andiamo a festeggiare la vostra promozione.
    Let's go celebrate your promotion. Source

Looking for something a bit more visual? Check out our infographic on Let's go in Italian with example sentences and translations.

Let's go in Italian translation and example sentences.

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