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Mouse in Italian

Mouse in Italian is topo

Example Sentences

  • Lui vide un topo.
    He saw a mouse. Source
  • Hanno visto un topo.
    They saw a mouse. Source
  • Ora si sta nascondendo come un topo.
    Now, he's hiding like a mouse. Source
  • Ha visto un topo.
    He saw a mouse., She saw a mouse. Source
  • Vide un topo.
    He saw a mouse., She saw a mouse. Source
  • Sembra che il gatto abbia sentito un topo.
    It seems like the cat smelled a mouse. Source
  • Era un topo.
    It was a mouse. Source
  • Lui ha visto un topo.
    He saw a mouse. Source
  • Adesso si sta nascondendo come un topo.
    Now, he's hiding like a mouse. Source
  • Loro hanno visto un topo.
    They saw a mouse. Source
  • Ha catturato un topo.
    She caught a mouse., He caught a mouse. Source
  • Il gatto sta mangiando il topo.
    The cat is eating the mouse. Source
  • Lui ha catturato un topo.
    He caught a mouse. Source
  • Un cane corre dietro a un gatto e il gatto corre dietro a un topo.
    A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. Source
  • Mi serve un topo.
    I need a mouse. Source
  • Sappiamo che giocava come il gatto con il topo.
    We know that he was playing like cat and mouse. Source

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Mouse in Italian translation and example sentences.

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