Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Apologizing

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Welcome to our expertly curated list of 20 essential sentences for apologizing in Mandarin Chinese. Boost your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary with practical Mandarin Chinese phrases, perfect for intermediate learners aiming to master the nuances of apology. Each sentence is accompanied by authentic text-to-speech audio to hone your pronunciation, coupled with English translations to ensure you grasp the full context. Whether you've made a minor slip or need to express sincere regret, our selection of Mandarin Chinese sentences will equip you with the linguistic finesse to apologize gracefully and effectively in any Mandarin-speaking environment. Start learning today and become proficient in delivering apologies with the eloquence of a native speaker.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他为他的入侵行为向我们道歉了。

    He apologized for his trespasses against us.

  • 他做了道歉。

    He made an apology.

  • 他因冒犯了她而道歉。

    He apologized for having offended her.

  • 他的道歉很诚恳。

    He was earnest in his apology.

  • 再次感谢你拯救了我。

    Thanks again for rescuing me, again.

  • 原谅我!

    Forgive me!

  • 她深深地为撒的谎感到抱歉。

    She was deeply sorry for the lie.

  • 对不起,我的思绪到了别处了。

    Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.

  • 对不起,打扰了。

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • 我为这次延迟道歉。

    I apologize for the delay.

  • 我为迟到感到抱歉。

    I'm sorry for being late.

  • 我们为他的错误感到抱歉。

    We are sorry for his mistake.

  • 我对延迟发送议程表示歉意。

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • 我很遗憾地通知你,她去世了。

    I am very sorry to inform you that she died.

  • 我欠你一个道歉。

    I owe you an apology.

  • 抱歉提了个愚蠢的问题。

    Sorry for the dumb question.

  • 汤姆承认是他弄洒了红酒。

    Tom admitted to spilling the red wine.

  • 请原谅我。

    Pardon me, please.

  • 这是为了澄清误解。

    This is to clear up the misunderstanding.

  • 这是我的过错。

    It was my fault.

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