Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Clothes

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide designed to boost your intermediate Mandarin Chinese vocabulary! As you explore our curated collection of 20 essential Mandarin Chinese sentences about "Clothes," complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, you'll enhance your language skills and gain confidence in everyday conversations. This resource is perfect for learners aiming to master Mandarin Chinese phrases and expand their fashion-related lexicon. Dive into our interactive content and practice your pronunciation as you familiarize yourself with must-know clothing terms. Start impressing native speakers with your polished Mandarin Chinese sentences and phrases today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他今天穿了一套灰色西装。

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • 他收紧了他的腰带。

    He tightened his belt.

  • 他调整了衬衫袖口。

    He adjusted his shirt cuff.

  • 你有几顶帽子?

    How many hats do you own?

  • 你穿好衣服了吗?

    Have you finished dressing?

  • 医生身穿白色长袍,外面套着蓝色西装。

    The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.

  • 只要穿一件 T 恤衫,你就可以冒充一个少年。

    You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.

  • 头巾非常有弹性。

    The headband is very elastic.

  • 她喜欢她的粉色连衣裙。

    She loves her pink dress.

  • 我用了太多的漂白剂,把衬衫弄了个洞。

    I used too much bleach and made a hole in my shirt.

  • 我裤子的缝缝都裂开了。

    The seams of my pants are ripping.

  • 松开你的领带。

    Loosen your tie.

  • 汤姆买了新鞋带。

    Tom bought new laces for his shoes.

  • 汤姆正在试穿鞋子。

    Tom is trying on shoes.

  • 衣服洗得不对的话容易缩水。

    Clothes often shrink when improperly washed.

  • 这些袜子和运动鞋都是新的。

    The socks and sneakers are new.

  • 这件衣服和她的红头发相配。

    That dress matches her red hair.

  • 这件雨衣有各种尺寸。

    This raincoat comes in all sizes.

  • 这块布非常丝滑。

    This cloth is really smooth and silky.

  • 这裙子很长

    The skirt is long.

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