Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Daily Routines

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Master your daily routine with essential Mandarin Chinese vocabulary! Clozemaster presents a curated list of 20 practical Mandarin Chinese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. This interactive resource is designed to enhance your language skills and boost your confidence in using everyday Mandarin Chinese phrases. Whether you're an intermediate learner or looking to polish your fluency, our collection offers a unique approach to learning, ensuring you grasp the nuances of daily spoken Mandarin. Immerse yourself in the language and elevate your proficiency in Mandarin Chinese with our engaging, audio-enhanced examples. Start mastering your daily conversations in Mandarin today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他整个上午都在系绳结。

    He spent the morning tying knots.

  • 他服用维他命。

    He takes vitamins.

  • 他醒得很早。

    He wakes up early.

  • 你为什么在吹干你的头发?

    Why are you drying your hair?

  • 她开始脱衣服上床睡觉。

    She began to undress for bed.

  • 她把水果或坚果当作零食。

    For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts.

  • 她每次打扫房间都会打碎东西。

    She breaks something every time she cleans the room.

  • 我们今天回收了空瓶子。

    We recycled empty bottles today.

  • 我们在户外度过了一天。

    We spent the day outdoors.

  • 我整个上午都呆在床上。

    I stayed in bed all morning.

  • 战士每天都在刻苦训练。

    The fighter trained hard every day.

  • 晚饭后,他抽了一支烟。

    He smoked a cigarette after dinner.

  • 杰森一上午都在钓鱼。

    Jason spent his morning fishing.

  • 汤姆一直都很勤奋地完成他的家庭作业。

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • 汤姆从浴缸里出来了。

    Tom got out of the bathtub.

  • 汤姆度过了忙碌的一周。

    Tom had a hectic week.

  • 汤姆弄丢了一个隐形眼镜。

    Tom lost a contact lens.

  • 汤姆明白沙拉有益健康,所以他每天至少吃一份沙拉。

    Tom knew that salads were healthy, so he ate at least one salad a day.

  • 汤姆点了火。

    Tom lit the fire.

  • 没有咖啡的早晨可能会很难熬。

    Mornings can be tough without coffee.

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