Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Driving

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Immerse yourself in the world of transportation with our dynamic selection of Mandarin Chinese sentences centered on driving. This carefully curated list of 20 insightful sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is a valuable tool for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners aiming to accelerate their language proficiency. Whether it's for travel, work, or personal growth, mastering these Mandarin Chinese phrases and expanding your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary has never been more engaging. Get behind the wheel of language learning and navigate the road to fluency with Clozemaster's interactive educational platform. Start your engine and drive your Mandarin skills to new heights today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 一辆白色汽车已经尾随了我两英里。

    A white car has been tailing me for the last two miles.

  • 他对女司机有偏见。

    He was prejudiced against women drivers.

  • 他每天开车上班。

    He drives to work daily.

  • 他的车严重损坏了。

    His car was seriously damaged.

  • 他让马达开着。

    He left the motor running.

  • 你应该让挡风玻璃保持干净。

    You should keep your windshield clean.

  • 你有驾驶执照吗?

    Do you have a driver's license?

  • 在市中心找停车位太令人沮丧了。

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • 我妈妈从不开车,因为她害怕造成事故。

    My mother never drives for fear of causing an accident.

  • 我小心翼翼地踩着加速器。

    I stepped on the accelerator carefully.

  • 我开着一辆送货卡车。

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • 我骑着一辆摩托车。

    I am riding a motorcycle.

  • 汤姆正在泊车。

    Tom is parking the van.

  • 汤姆踩了刹车。

    Tom stepped on the brake.

  • 环形路口的目的是减缓交通。

    The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic.

  • 车准备好了。

    The car is ready.

  • 这条路上总是有很多车辆。

    There are always a lot of vehicles on this road.

  • 这辆车比那辆更快。

    This car goes much faster than that.

  • 这辆车需要新轮胎。

    The car needs new tires.

  • 那辆车完全成了残骸。

    The car was a complete wreck.

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