Mandarin Chinese Sentences About History

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Dive into the past with our compelling collection of Mandarin Chinese sentences about history! Perfect for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners, our carefully curated list of 20 enlightening phrases will expand your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and enhance your understanding of historical concepts. Each sentence is accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, ensuring you grasp every nuance. Whether you're looking to improve your conversational skills or deepen your knowledge of Chinese culture, our selection of Mandarin Chinese phrases is an invaluable resource for any language enthusiast. Learn history the engaging way with Clozemaster – where mastering Mandarin Chinese vocabulary becomes an adventure in time!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 七月十日宣布了否决权。

    On July tenth, the veto was announced.

  • 二十一世纪初,有许多科技进步。

    There were many technological advances at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

  • 伊斯兰教出现之前的阿拉伯人是游牧民族。

    The pre-Islamic Arabs were nomads.

  • 冰岛曾经属于丹麦。

    Iceland used to belong to Denmark.

  • 古人喜欢讲述关于勇气的故事

    Ancient people liked to tell stories of bravery.

  • 在宗教审判期间,女性遭受的苦难最深。

    Women were the ones who suffered the most during the Inquisition.

  • 她探究了自己家族的种族根源。

    She explored her family's ethnic roots.

  • 将军下达了撤退的命令。

    The general gave the order to retreat.

  • 我在冷战期间出生。

    I was born during the Cold War.

  • 我是罗马市民。

    I am a Roman citizen.

  • 战士们攻击了城堡。

    The warriors attacked the castle.

  • 有人说他从未存在过。

    Some say he never existed.

  • 渡渡鸟是一种已经灭绝的物种。

    The dodo is an already extinct species.

  • 皇宫东西两侧住着贵族。

    Aristocrats lived to the east and west of the imperial palace.

  • 盟友们没有浪费时间。

    The allies wasted no time.

  • 这场战斗非常激烈,血腥得令人难以置信。

    The battle was fierce and unbelievably bloody.

  • 这处考古遗址在战争期间遭到破坏。

    This archaeological site was damaged during the war.

  • 这座城市被围困了好几个月。

    The city was under siege for months.

  • 这是一座历史建筑。

    This is a historical building.

  • 那里没有铁路。

    There were no railroads.

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