Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Senses

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Welcome to Clozemaster, an interactive platform for mastering intermediate Mandarin Chinese vocabulary! Our carefully curated page boasts 20 comprehensive sentences themed around "Senses" in Mandarin Chinese, complete with authentic text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you're looking to enhance your understanding of Mandarin Chinese phrases or intent on expanding your repertoire of sentences, our intuitive learning tool is designed to elevate your language skills effectively. Engage with our content and solidify your command of intermediate Mandarin Chinese as you immerse yourself in the essential vocabulary related to the human senses. Get ready to listen, learn, and practice with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 一个声音吵醒了她。

    A noise woke her up.

  • 他吞咽食物的速度很快。

    He swallowed his food quickly.

  • 他听到了脚步声。

    He heard footsteps.

  • 你听见它了吗?

    Did you hear it?

  • 她喜欢松树的味道。

    She likes the smell of pine trees.

  • 她的香水味弥漫了整个房间。

    Her perfume filled the entire room.

  • 它有一种令人愉悦的气味。

    It has a pleasant odor.

  • 巨大的噪音吓到了宝宝。

    The loud noise scares the baby.

  • 康乃馨闻起来是什么味道?

    What do carnations smell like?

  • 我喜欢清晨棕榈树的味道。

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

  • 我的鼻子痒。

    My nose itches.

  • 我知道那个 声音。

    I know that sound.

  • 房间里的味道很恶心。

    The smell in the room was nasty.

  • 玫瑰的花瓣非常柔软。

    Rose petals are very soft.

  • 看那美丽的日落!

    Look at that beautiful sunset!

  • 这个南瓜闻起来有甜瓜的味道。

    This squash smells like melon.

  • 这个牛奶尝起来是酸的。

    The milk tastes sour.

  • 酒吧里烟雾弥漫,我的眼睛开始刺痛。

    The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.

  • 闻这个。

    Smell this.

  • 香味肥皂会让她的皮肤发痒。

    Scented soaps tended to make her skin itch.

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