Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Space

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Welcome to Clozemaster, where expanding your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary reaches new heights! Our meticulously curated list of 20 space-themed sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is an auditory galaxy for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners. Hone your language skills by tuning into authentic Mandarin Chinese phrases about the cosmos. This interactive experience is designed to elevate your understanding through practical Mandarin Chinese sentences, ensuring each word orbits firmly within your linguistic repertoire. Prepare for liftoff into a universe of knowledge and master space-related terminology in Mandarin Chinese with ease. Explore, listen, and repeat—it's time to conquer the final frontier of language learning!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 他们发射了一枚火箭。

    They launched a rocket.

  • 他是天文学专家。

    He is an expert in astronomy.

  • 出乎所有人的预料,阿波罗号宇宙飞船安全返回地球。

    Against all expectations, the Apollo spacecraft made it safely back to Earth.

  • 卫星在哪里?

    Where are the satellites?

  • 地球绕着太阳运行。

    The Earth orbits around the sun.

  • 天上有无数星星。

    There were countless stars in the sky.

  • 天文学家研究恒星和行星。

    Astronomers study stars and planets.

  • 宇宙接近于无限。

    The universe is close to infinity.

  • 宇航员乘坐火箭上了月球。

    The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.

  • 引力把行星束缚在太阳身边。

    Gravity binds the planets to the sun.

  • 彗星是从哪里来的?

    Where do comets come from?

  • 我们的计算显示火箭偏离了航道。

    Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course.

  • 我只能在夜空中辨认出两三个星座。

    I can pick out only two or three constellations in the night sky.

  • 我想成为一名宇航员。

    I want to be an astronaut.

  • 我爷爷认为登月是个骗局。

    My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax.

  • 我被外星人绑架了。

    I was abducted by aliens.

  • 月亮是地球的卫星。

    The moon is a satellite of the Earth.

  • 有些恒星肉眼几乎不可见。

    Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.

  • 行星排列会产生什么影响?

    What effects would planetary alignment have?

  • 飞到月球曾经被认为是荒谬的。

    Flights to the moon were once thought absurd.

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