Mandarin Chinese Sentences About Transportation

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Welcome to our Mandarin Chinese Transportation resource, designed to boost your Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and listening skills. Perfect for intermediate Mandarin Chinese learners, this page offers 20 curated Mandarin Chinese sentences, focusing on transportation, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Immerse yourself in common Mandarin Chinese phrases and expressions used in the context of travel and commuting. Enhance your language proficiency by practicing with our interactive sentences, crafted to help you navigate diverse transportation scenarios confidently. Join us at Clozemaster to accelerate your journey towards mastering Mandarin Chinese!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Mandarin Chinese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 两辆卡车撞在了一起。

    Two trucks bumped together.

  • 他把拖车拴在自己车上。

    He hitched the caravan to his car.

  • 他把方向盘转向右边。

    He turned the wheel to the right.

  • 你是乘公交车往返学校吗?

    Do you commute to school by bus?

  • 你的自行车比我的新多了。

    Your bicycle is much newer than mine.

  • 修建铁路的费用非常高。

    The cost of building the railroad was very high.

  • 公交车正朝北行驶。

    The bus was heading north.

  • 卡车装载货物。

    The lorry was loaded with goods.

  • 发动机在空转时熄火了。

    The engine stopped while it was idling.

  • 对于新的直升机飞行员来说,悬停是非常具有挑战性的。

    Hovering is very challenging for new helicopter pilots.

  • 我在车站看到了她。

    I saw her at the station.

  • 我开着一辆送货卡车。

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • 我走这条路线去学校。

    I take this route to school.

  • 我通常走路。

    I usually walk.

  • 新闻台使用直升机报道交通情况。

    News stations use helicopters to report on traffic.

  • 每天很多汽车经过这里。

    Many cars pass here every day.

  • 着陆非常完美。

    The landing was perfect.

  • 船在海上失踪了。

    The vessel was lost at sea.

  • 车轮满是泥泞。

    The wheels got all muddy.

  • 轴断了。

    The axle is broken.

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