Welsh Sentences About Communication

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Looking to enhance your Welsh vocabulary and master the art of conversation in Cymraeg? Clozemaster presents an indispensable resource for intermediate Welsh learners: a curated list of 20 essential Welsh sentences centered on "Communication." Each sentence is accompanied by authentic text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, ensuring you not only learn the exact pronunciation but also comprehend the context. This collection of Welsh phrases is specifically designed to bridge the gap between basic Welsh and fluency. So whether you're seeking to perfect your pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, or grasp common Welsh expressions, these sentences will pave your way to effective communication in Welsh.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A fyddwch chi'n rhoi eich cwestiynau mewn fform ysgrifenedig?

    Will you put your questions in written form?

  • Bydd Tom yn brolio am ei gar newydd.

    Tom will boast about his new car.

  • Darllenodd y llythyr y gwnaeth hi ei bostio ato.

    He read the letter she mailed to him.

  • Fe cyflwynodd araith.

    He delivered a speech.

  • Gofynnodd am fanylion y fargen.

    He asked for the particulars of the deal.

  • Gwrandewch ar sut mae e'n chwyrnu.

    Listen to how he snores.

  • Gwrthododd yr eithafwyr drafod.

    The extremists refused to negotiate.

  • Mae cerddoriaeth yn iaith cyffredinol.

    Music is a universal language.

  • Mae e'n gwadu ei wneud.

    He denies having done it.

  • Mae hi'n ymddangos yn ddifater ynghylch fy awgrymiadau.

    She seems indifferent to my suggestions.

  • Mae'n ddrwg gennym am dorri ar draws.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • Mae rheolau i fod i gael eu torri.

    Rules are meant to be broken.

  • Mae'r sefyllfa wedi newid yn ddramatig

    The situation has changed dramatically.

  • Mae wedi casglu darnau o wybodaeth.

    He collected bits of information.

  • Nid oes neb yn hoffi gwerthwyr anfoesgar.

    Nobody likes impolite salesmen.

  • Os gwelwch yn dda, dweud eich stori.

    Please tell me your story.

  • Peidiwch â bod ofn methu.

    Don't be afraid to fail.

  • Prynais ffôn newydd.

    I bought a new phone.

  • Roedd ei ysgrifennydd yn gwadu rhannu yr wybodaeth.

    His secretary denied leaking the information.

  • Ysgrifennais fe.

    I wrote it.

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