Welsh Sentences About Household

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to resource for expanding your Welsh vocabulary! Our carefully curated list of 20 practical Welsh sentences themed around "Household" offers you an immersive learning experience. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation and English translations to solidify your understanding. Dive into this rich collection of Welsh phrases, perfectly suited for intermediate Welsh learners. Enhance your language skills with these common Welsh sentences, and confidently talk about household items and chores. Listen, repeat, and master intermediate Welsh with Clozemaster's interactive approach to language learning. Start speaking Welsh like a native today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Allwch chi drwsio ein sinc?

    Can you fix our sink?

  • Allwch chi gribinio y dail yn yr iard gefn.

    Rake the leaves in the backyard.

  • Bydd y blodau yn gloeuo y bwrdd.

    The flowers will brighten up the table.

  • Eisteddodd Tom ar stôl yn y gornel.

    Tom sat on a stool in the corner.

  • Faint o bowlenni sydd gennym ni?

    How many bowls do we have?

  • Gollyngais y plât, ac yn ei dorri yn ddarnau.

    I dropped the plate, breaking it into pieces.

  • Gwnes i brynu set o liain ar gyfer y bwrdd.

    I bought a set of table linen.

  • Mae angen golchi y lliain bwrdd hwnnw ar frys.

    That tablecloth urgently needs washing.

  • Mae'r goleuadau allan.

    The lights are out.

  • Mae'r prif falf wedi'i ddiffodd.

    The main valve is turned off.

  • Mae'r ryg dwyreiniol hwn yn edrych yn dda yn fy ystafell fyw.

    This oriental rug suits my living room.

  • Mae Tom yn trwsio'r oergell.

    Tom is fixing the refrigerator.

  • Mae Tom yn yr islawr.

    Tom is in the basement.

  • Mae tri o fylbiau wedi llosgi.

    Three bulbs have burned out.

  • Nes i ei roi yn y drôr.

    I put it in the drawer.

  • Plis caewch y drws.

    Please close the door.

  • Roedd darnau o wydr wedi torri ar y llawr.

    There were bits of broken glass on the floor.

  • Rydyn ni'n byw ar y chweched llawr.

    We live on the sixth floor.

  • Torrodd y teil a ddisgynnodd o'r to yn ddarnau.

    The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces.

  • Trwsiodd y plymiwr ein sinc sy'n gollwng.

    The plumber fixed our leaking sink.

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