Welsh Sentences About Love

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Welcome to our dedicated page for expanding your Welsh vocabulary with the language of love! Discover 20 heartfelt Welsh sentences about affection, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners, these phrases will not only improve your comprehension but also help you express your feelings eloquently in Cymraeg. Immerse yourself in the beautiful sounds of Welsh love with our carefully curated list, and enhance your mastery of Welsh phrases that speak directly to the heart. Start learning now and enrich your conversational skills with our charming collection of love-themed Welsh sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Chi yw fy heulwen.

    You are my sunshine.

  • Chi yw fy obsesiwn.

    You are my obsession.

  • Cusanodd Tom hi ar y boch.

    Tom kissed her on the cheek.

  • Dwi'n caru nofelau rhamant.

    I love romance novels.

  • Dwi wrth fy modd yn reidio trenau ar draws y wlad.

    I love riding trains across the country.

  • Fy annwyl, rydw i wedi dy golli di.

    My dear, I've missed you.

  • Mae cariad yn trechu popeth.

    Love conquers all.

  • Mae e'n caru cerddoriaeth reggae yn fawr.

    He absolutely loves reggae music.

  • Mae hi'n ei garu ef.

    She loves him.

  • Mae hi'n gosod eich byd ar dân.

    She sets your world alight.

  • Mae'n bwriadu priodi hi.

    He intended to marry her.

  • Mae'n drist peidio â chael eich caru, ond mae'n llawer tristaf i beidio â gallu caru.

    It is sad not to be loved, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.

  • Mae Tom yn caru pensaernïaeth.

    Tom loves architecture.

  • Nid yw cariad byth heb cenfigen.

    Love is never without jealousy.

  • Nid yw cariad yn gwybod terfynau.

    Love knows no limits.

  • Ni fydd fy nghariad byth yn diflannu.

    My love will never disappear.

  • Roedd e mewn cariad â'th fam.

    He was smitten with your mother.

  • Roedden nhw'n gariadon yn ysgol uwchradd.

    They were high school sweethearts.

  • Roedd hi'n wir yn caru ei ffrind annwyl.

    She truly loved her dear friend.

  • Rwyf wrth fy modd yn coginio pasta.

    I love cooking pasta.

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