Welsh Sentences About Meeting People

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Discover the essential Welsh vocabulary for meeting new people with our curated list of 20 engaging Welsh sentences. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners, this collection is designed to enhance your conversational skills and enrich your understanding of key Welsh phrases. Featuring precise English translations alongside high-quality text-to-speech audio, Clozemaster ensures that mastering the art of introductions and greetings in Welsh is both enjoyable and effective. Whether you're aiming to impress locals or simply expand your linguistic abilities, these practical sentences will empower you to confidently interact in social settings. Dive into the heart of Welsh culture by learning to communicate with ease today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Beth yw dy enw?

    What is your name?

  • Braf cyfarfod chi.

    Nice to meet you.

  • Bydd un person arall yn ymuno â ni yn ddiweddarach.

    One more person will be joining us later.

  • Cefais dod yn gyfarwydd ag ef dair blynedd yn ôl.

    I got acquainted with him three years ago.

  • Cwrddais i â Tom yn Awstralia.

    I met Tom in Australia.

  • Cyfarfod â fi ym bar y gwesty.

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

  • Cyfarfûm â mynach o Wlad Thai.

    I met a monk from Thailand.

  • Cyfarfûm â Tom mewn clwb.

    I met Tom at a club.

  • Fe wnaethon nhw ein cyfarch yn gynnes.

    They greeted us warmly.

  • Fe wnaethon ni redeg i mewn iddyn nhw wrth y terfynell bws.

    We ran into them at the bus terminal.

  • Gwnaethon ni gyfarfod yn y man dynodedig.

    We met at the designated spot.

  • Helo, braf cwrdd â chi.

    Hi, nice to meet you.

  • Helo, sut wyt ti heddiw?

    Hello, how are you today?

  • Hi yw ein gwestai am yr wythnos hon.

    She is our guest for this week.

  • Roedd yn gyfarfod ffodus iawn.

    It was a very fortunate meeting.

  • Roedd yn gyfarfod hamddenol.

    It was a casual meeting.

  • Siaradodd â phwy bynnag y cyfarfu.

    He spoke to whomever he met.

  • Wenodd hi ar y dieithryn oedd yn mynd heibio.

    She smiled at the passing stranger.

  • Wnaeth Tom cyflwyno Mary i John.

    Tom introduced Mary to John.

  • Wnes i gwrdd a'ch ffrind.

    I met your friend.

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