Welsh Sentences About Pets

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate language-learning playground designed for intermediate Welsh enthusiasts keen on expanding their Welsh vocabulary! Our carefully curated selection of 20 Welsh sentences about 'Pets' comes equipped with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear authentic Welsh phrases in use. Each sentence includes an English translation to help bridge understanding, making it a perfect resource for learners to improve their grasp on everyday Welsh vocabulary. Prepare to dive into a delightful assortment of sentences that will enhance your language skills and provide insights into the charming world of pets, Welsh-style. Discover the joy of mastering Welsh with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A wnaethoch chi fwydo'r parotiaid?

    Did you feed the parrots?

  • Cwci yw'r ci mwyaf ciwt.

    Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.

  • Dilynodd y ci ei feistr, yn siglo ei gynffon.

    The dog followed its master, wagging its tail.

  • Gwnaeth y gath ddiflannu tu ôl i'r soffa.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • Mae ci gyda hi.

    She has a dog.

  • Mae fy ci gwarchod yn effro i'r sŵn a'r symudiad lleiaf.

    My watchdog is alert to the slightest sound and movement.

  • Mae fy nghath yn hoffi cysgu llawer.

    My cat likes to sleep a lot.

  • Mae fy nghi bob amser mor ffyddlon.

    My dog is always so loyal.

  • Mae ganddi dri o grwbanod fel anifail anwes.

    She has three pet turtles.

  • Mae hi'n addoli ei chi bach newydd.

    She adores her new puppy.

  • Mae'r ci bach yna mor ciwt.

    That puppy is so cute.

  • Mae'r ci'n llyfu wyneb ei berchennog.

    The dog licks his owner's face.

  • Mae'r dyn yn cribo ei gi gyda brwsh.

    The man combs his dog with a brush.

  • Mae'r pamffled hwn yn ymwneud ag anifeiliaid anwes.

    This pamphlet is about pets.

  • Mae'r sŵn yn ofni allan y gath.

    The noise freaks out the cat.

  • Mae Tom eisiau merlyn.

    Tom wants a pony.

  • Marwodd fy mhysgod bythefnos yn ôl.

    My fish died two weeks ago.

  • Pam mae fy nghath yn ymosod ar fy gŵn baddon?

    Why is my cat attacking my bathrobe?

  • Rhoddodd Tom goler chwannen ar ei gi.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Roedd y gath yn cymysgu'r holl edau.

    The cat tangled up all the threads.

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