Welsh Sentences About Plants

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Discover the natural world while enhancing your Welsh vocabulary with Clozemaster's engaging list of 20 sentences about "Plants" in Welsh. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners, our curated collection of Welsh sentences is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations to boost your understanding and pronunciation. Master Welsh phrases effortlessly as you immerse yourself in the language of greenery. Whether you're a dedicated linguaphile or a curious beginner, these interactive Welsh sentences about plants will help you grow your language skills alongside your love for botany. Start flourishing in your Welsh language journey today with our vibrant selection of plant-themed sentences!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ai flodyn yw hwn?

    Is this a flower?

  • Ar ôl y glaw, mae llawer o madarch yn tyfu yn y goedwig.

    After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.

  • Cynhyrchodd ein gardd ddigonedd o fresych y llynedd.

    Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.

  • Cynlluniwyd yr ardd i greu cydbwysedd cytûn rhwng natur a phensaernïaeth.

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • Daethom o hyd i lawer o blanhigion rhyfedd mewn gardd botanegol.

    We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.

  • Dw i eisiau plannu gardd llysiau.

    I want to plant a vegetable garden.

  • Gwnaeth y blodau'n codi ei chalon

    The flowers cheered her up.

  • Gwnes i brynu cactws.

    I bought a cactus.

  • Hauwyd hadau yn y cae.

    Seeds were sown in the field.

  • Mae botaneg yn ymdrin ag astudio planhigion.

    Botany deals with the study of plants.

  • Mae gan fy nain lawer o lystyfiant sy'n tyfu'n ddigymell.

    My grandmother has a lot of vegetation that grows spontaneously.

  • Mae planhigion hen yn marw yn y diwedd.

    Old plants eventually die.

  • Mae'r rhosod yn yr ardd yn blodeuo.

    The roses in the garden are blooming.

  • Mae yna blanhigion sy'n wrthyrru pryfed.

    There are plants that repel insects.

  • Planais hedyn yn yr ardd.

    I planted a seed in the garden.

  • Pwy blannodd y goeden?

    Who planted the tree?

  • Rhowch ddŵr i'r planhigion.

    Water the plants.

  • Rwy'n plannu coeden oren.

    I am planting an orange tree.

  • Rydyn ni'n tyfu gwenith yma.

    We grow wheat here.

  • Sut mae carnadau yn arogli?

    What do carnations smell like?

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