Welsh Sentences About Shopping

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Welcome to our curated collection of engaging Welsh sentences focusing on the theme of "Shopping," perfect for expanding your Welsh vocabulary and mastering intermediate Welsh phrases. Each carefully selected sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear authentic pronunciation, along with English translations to ensure comprehension. Dive into this practical language resource and enhance your conversational skills with relevant Welsh phrases. Whether you're a dedicated language enthusiast or a curious learner, these sentences will provide a valuable tool for immersing yourself in everyday Welsh and shopping with confidence. Start learning now and make your Welsh shopping experiences seamless and enjoyable!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ble alla i brynu briciau?

    Where can I buy bricks?

  • Doedd ganddyn nhw ddim mwy o stoc ar gael.

    They had no more stock available.

  • Dwi angen hufen corff.

    I need body lotion.

  • Dw i eisiau tabl isel.

    I want a low table.

  • Dyma'r siop rataf yn y dref.

    This is the cheapest store in town.

  • Edrychwch ar y pris.

    Look at the price.

  • Faint yw metr o'r sidan coch hwn?

    How much is a meter of this red silk?

  • Fe wnaethon ni brynu hanfodion ar gyfer ein taith.

    We bought essentials for our trip.

  • Lle mae'r popty?

    Where is the bakery?

  • Mae angen i chi dalu'n ychwanegol am y batris.

    You need to pay extra for the batteries.

  • Mae cofroddion yn cael eu gwerthu.

    Souvenirs are sold or are for sale.

  • Mae esgidiau'n cael eu gwerthu mewn parau.

    Shoes are sold in pairs.

  • Mae gwarant ar gyfer fy nheledu wedi dod i ben.

    The warranty for my TV is expired.

  • Pam wnaethoch chi brynu blodau?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Prynodd hi gyw iâr.

    She bought chicken.

  • Rwyf am brynu pinafal.

    I want to buy a pineapple.

  • Rwyf eisiau ad-daliad.

    I want a refund.

  • Rwy'n mynd i'r farchnadfa bob prynhawn Sul.

    I go to the bazaar every Sunday afternoon.

  • Rydw i angen arian ar gyfer siopa.

    I need some money for shopping.

  • Rydym yn prynu CDau.

    We buy CDs.

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