Welsh Sentences About University

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Welsh vocabulary with practical Welsh sentences! Our meticulously curated page offers 20 contextual sentences about "University" complete with authentic text-to-speech audio. These Welsh phrases, aimed at intermediate Welsh learners, are perfect for immersing yourself in the language and mastering the academic lexicon. Each sentence comes with an English translation to ensure understanding and to help you learn Welsh efficiently. Dive into our interactive collection now and elevate your command of Welsh as you prepare to converse confidently about university life. Start learning today and make your journey to fluency an enjoyable one with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A allech chi roi benthyg eich nodiadau cymdeithaseg i mi?

    Could you lend me your sociology notes?

  • Cyfarfu sylfaenwyr y cwmni yn y coleg.

    The company's founders met in college.

  • Daeth Tom i Boston ar ôl graddio o'r ysgol uwchradd.

    Tom came to Boston after graduating from high school.

  • Llofruddiwyd dau athrawon ffiseg Iranaidd.

    Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.

  • Mae cwricwlwm ganddyn nhw da iawn yn y brifysgol honno.

    They have a very good curriculum at that university.

  • Mae e'n astudio llenyddiaeth Saesneg fel ei brif bwnc.

    He majors in English literature.

  • Mae e'n astudio seicdreiddiad ar gyfer ei radd seicoleg.

    He's studying psychoanalysis for his psychology degree.

  • Mae gan lawer o fyfyrwyr swyddi rhan amser.

    A lot of students have part-time jobs.

  • Mae hi'n astudio peirianneg yn y brifysgol.

    She studies engineering at the university.

  • Mae Maria wedi paratoi ar gyfer yr arholiad yn ddigon.

    Maria has sufficiently prepared for the exam.

  • Mae prifysgolion yn sefydliadau addysgiadol.

    Universities are educational institutions.

  • Mae'r brifysgol eisiau rhoi ysgoloriaeth i chi.

    The university wants to grant you a scholarship.

  • Mae'r brifysgol yn dwyn enw ei sylfaenydd.

    The university bears the name of its founder.

  • Roedd eisoes wedi treulio dwy awr yn darlithio pan ddaeth hi i mewn.

    He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.

  • Roedd y gynulleidfa yn cynnwys myfyrwyr yn bennaf.

    The audience consisted mainly of students.

  • Roedd yr athrawon yn trafod y cwricwlwm.

    The professors discussed the curriculum.

  • Rwy'n gweithio ar fy ngheisiadau i'r coleg.

    I'm working on my college applications.

  • Rydw i'n fyfyriwr.

    I am a student.

  • Wythnos yma roedd gen i dri phrawf.

    This week I had three midterms.

  • Ydych chi wedi gorffen ysgrifennu'ch traethawd ymchwil?

    Have you finished writing your thesis?

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