German Sentences About At a Restaurant

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Dive into the dining scene and enhance your intermediate German vocabulary with Clozemaster! Our meticulously curated list of 20 authentic German sentences themed "At a Restaurant" is your key to mastering conversational phrases like a local. Accompanied by accurate English translations and lifelike text-to-speech audio, each entry is designed to improve your comprehension and pronunciation. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or an avid traveler looking for practical German phrases, our interactive platform primes you for real-world interactions. Sharpen your linguistic skills and savor every word as you explore essential German vocabulary that will transform your restaurant experiences. Start learning now and impress with every order!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bitte geben Sie mir einen Hamburger.

    Please give me a hamburger.

  • Darf ich die Toilette benutzen?

    May I use the restroom?

  • Das Essen war lecker und erschwinglich.

    The meal was delicious and affordable.

  • Das Restaurant ist wahrscheinlich ein bisschen teuer.

    That restaurant is probably a little pricey.

  • Das Restaurant wird unter neuer Leitung wiedereröffnen.

    The restaurant will reopen under new management.

  • Der Kellner brachte uns unsere Mahlzeiten.

    The waiter brought our meals.

  • Diese Getränke sind à la carte.

    These drinks are a la carte.

  • Er bestellte Hummer im schicken Restaurant.

    He ordered lobster at the fancy restaurant.

  • Er bestellte zum Mittagessen Hähnchen-Nuggets.

    He ordered chicken nuggets for lunch.

  • Haben Sie regionale Gerichte?

    Do you have any regional dishes?

  • Ich möchte ein Sandwich.

    I want one sandwich.

  • Ich war schon einmal in diesem Restaurant.

    I've been to that restaurant once before

  • Könnte ich bitte eine Speisekarte sehen?

    May I see a menu, please?

  • Könnten wir jetzt Essen bestellen?

    Could we order food now?

  • Möchten Sie dazu ein Tablett?

    Do you want a tray with that?

  • Möchtest du den Tee heiß oder gekühlt?

    Do you want the tea hot or iced?

  • Sie behaupten, es sei das beste Restaurant.

    They claim it's the best restaurant.

  • Sie verlangt immer nach extra Oliven.

    She always requests extra olives.

  • Viele Lkw-Fahrer essen hier.

    A lot of truck drivers eat here.

  • Was möchtest du trinken?

    What would you like to drink?

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