German Sentences About Making Plans

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Master your German vocabulary for making plans with ease at Clozemaster! Our curated list of 20 practical German sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is the perfect toolkit for intermediate German learners looking to enhance their conversational skills. Dive into an array of German phrases specifically designed to help you navigate social planning like a native speaker. Whether it’s organizing outings or setting up meetings, our interactive platform ensures you learn and retain valuable German expressions in a fun and efficient way. Start speaking with confidence and finesse by practicing with our real-world German sentences today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Der Umzug wird am Zentralplatz starten.

    The procession will make its start at the central square.

  • Er lädt seine Freunde immer zum Abendessen ein.

    He always invites his friends for dinner.

  • Ich gehe jetzt gleich.

    I am leaving right now.

  • Ich habe einen vorherigen Termin.

    I have a previous appointment.

  • Ich werde ihn zum Essen einladen.

    I will invite him to dinner.

  • Komm morgen früh.

    Come early tomorrow.

  • Lassen uns über unsere Pläne sprechen.

    Let's talk about our plans.

  • Meine Pläne für den Urlaub sind aufregend.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • Sein Plan wurde verworfen.

    His plan was discarded.

  • Sie beabsichtigt, Tennis zu spielen.

    She intends to play tennis.

  • Sie hat ihre Pläne geändert.

    She altered her plans.

  • Sie hat immer einen Ersatzplan.

    She always has a backup plan.

  • Treffen wir uns in der Küche.

    Let's meet in the kitchen.

  • Treffen wir uns um 5 nachmittags.

    Let's meet at 5 pm.

  • Wann wirst du auf der Party ankommen?

    When will you arrive at the party?

  • Wir fahren bald in den Urlaub.

    We're going on a vacation soon.

  • Wir finalisieren heute das Layout.

    We are finalizing the layout today.

  • Wir haben verschiedene Ziele für den Urlaub geplant.

    We planned different destinations for vacation.

  • Wir wägen alle Vor- und Nachteile ab, bevor wir entscheiden, was wir tun werden.

    We are considering all the pros and cons before deciding what we will do.

  • Wir werden uns irgendwann nächste Woche treffen.

    We'll meet sometime next week.

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