German Sentences About Media

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Welcome to the ultimate resource designed to boost your intermediate German vocabulary with media-themed German sentences! On Clozemaster, you'll find a curated list of 20 highly relevant phrases, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Our interactive learning platform focuses on immersion, making it easier for language enthusiasts to grasp the context and usage of media-related terms. Strengthen your comprehension of intermediate German phrases through practical examples and elevate your language skills to engage more confidently in conversations about media. Start mastering German vocabulary today and seamlessly integrate these essential German sentences into your everyday dialogue.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Der Kameramann filmte das gesamte Ereignis.

    The cameraman filmed the entire event.

  • Der Reporter stellte viele Fragen.

    The reporter asked many questions.

  • Der Sender sendet täglich Nachrichten.

    The station broadcasts daily news.

  • Die Rede des Bürgermeisters wurde in der Öffentlichkeit übertragen.

    The mayor's speech was broadcast in public.

  • Die Verleger dieser Zeitung sind sehr liberal.

    The publishers of that newspaper are very liberal.

  • Die Werbung war visuell beeindruckend.

    The advertisement was visually striking.

  • Ich höre unterwegs Radio.

    I listen to the radio while in transit.

  • Im Fernsehen gibt es zu viele Werbungen.

    There are too many commercials on TV.

  • In einer Demokratie ist es wichtig, dass der Journalismus unabhängig ist.

    In a democracy, it is important for journalism to be independent.

  • In vielen Ländern ist es normal, dass alle Fernsehsendungen Untertitel haben.

    In many countries, it is normal for all television programmes to have subtitles.

  • Kennst du diesen Zeichentrickfilm?

    Do you know this cartoon?

  • Kinder lieben es im Allgemeinen, Zeichentrickfilme anzusehen.

    Children generally love watching cartoons.

  • Manche Leute denken, dass Werbung eine Form von Gehirnwäsche ist.

    Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing.

  • Schaust du Fernsehen?

    Do you watch TV?

  • Sie berichtet jeden Abend die Nachrichten.

    She reports the news every night.

  • Sie bewarben ein neues Produkt im Fernsehen.

    They advertised a new product on TV.

  • Tom liest meistens nur die Schlagzeilen.

    Tom usually only reads the headlines.

  • Tom schaut fern.

    Tom is watching TV.

  • Tom wird von Paparazzi gejagt.

    Tom is being chased by paparazzi.

  • Wir möchten über die neuesten Trends in Japan berichten.

    We would like to report on the latest trends in Japan.

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