German Sentences About Movies

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Discover the magic of cinema while elevating your German language skills with our captivating collection of 20 German sentences about movies! Each sentence comes with convenient text-to-speech audio and English translations to bolster your German vocabulary mastery. Whether you're an avid film fan or eager to enhance your intermediate German phrases knowledge, Clozemaster is the perfect platform for immersive learning. Dive into our handpicked German phrases that will not only enrich your vocabulary but also provide valuable context for conversations about films. Get ready to impress with your newly acquired German sentences as you discuss your favorite movies like a native speaker!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bleib wach, bis der Film zu Ende ist.

    Stay awake until the movie ends.

  • Das Ende des Films hat sie traurig gemacht.

    The movie's ending made her feel sad.

  • Der Film basiert auf wahren Begebenheiten.

    The movie is based on true events.

  • Der Film hat um 19 Uhr begonnen.

    The movie began at 7 pm.

  • Der Film ist ab 13 Jahren freigegeben.

    The film is rated PG-13.

  • Der Film läuft nächsten Monat in den Kinos.

    The movie is showing in movie theaters next month.

  • Der Film zeigte die Reise eines Sklaven, der gegen alle Widrigkeiten für die Freiheit kämpfte.

    The film depicted the journey of a slave who fought for freedom against all odds.

  • Dieser Film hinterlässt eine tiefe Reflexion für alle Zuschauer.

    This movie leaves a profound reflection for all viewers.

  • Dieser Film ist sehr kontrovers.

    This movie is highly controversial.

  • Gute Filme erweitern unseren Horizont.

    Good films broaden our horizons.

  • Ich bin während des Horrorfilms ausgeflippt.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Ich habe gestern einen alten Film mit Charlie Chaplin gesehen.

    I saw an old film featuring Charlie Chaplin yesterday.

  • Ich kann die Fortsetzung des Films kaum erwarten.

    I can't wait for the movie sequel.

  • Ich möchte diesen Film sehen.

    I want to see this movie.

  • Ich sehe heute Abend einen Film.

    I am seeing a movie tonight.

  • Sie fand den Film zu gruselig.

    She found the movie too scary.

  • Sie gehen ins Kino.

    They are going to the movies.

  • Sie ist von gewalttätigen Filmen entsetzt.

    She is horrified by violent movies.

  • Untote Wesen erscheinen in Horrorfilmen.

    Undead creatures appear in horror movies.

  • Wir haben gestern Abend eine DVD geschaut.

    We watched a DVD last night.

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