German Sentences About Possibility and Certainty

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate destination for elevating your intermediate German knowledge to new heights! Dive into our curated collection of 20 German sentences focusing on the intriguing concepts of "Possibility and Certainty." These meticulously selected German phrases, equipped with authentic text-to-speech audio and clear English translations, are tailored to enrich your German vocabulary and grasp of everyday German expressions. Perfect for language enthusiasts eager to refine their linguistic skills, our resource provides an immersive learning experience that seamlessly integrates into your journey of mastering German vocabulary and phrases. Start exploring now to solidify your command of the German language!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aufgrund seiner guten Noten wird er unweigerlich an der Universität aufgenommen werden.

    Due to his high grades, he will inevitably be accepted to the university.

  • Besteht irgendeine Möglichkeit, dass er zurücktritt?

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • Bist du dir deiner Entscheidung sicher?

    Are you sure about your decision?

  • Boote können sinken.

    Boats can sink.

  • Das muss der Postbote sein.

    It must be the postman.

  • Das scheint riskant.

    This seems risky.

  • Die Mission war von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteilt.

    The mission was doomed from the start.

  • Die Möglichkeit scheint unwahrscheinlich.

    The possibility seems unlikely.

  • Dieses Haus läuft Gefahr, einzustürzen.

    This house runs the risk of collapsing.

  • Du kannst gehen, wohin du willst.

    You can go wherever you want.

  • Er muss unschuldig sein.

    He must be innocent.

  • Es ist möglich, dass wir zu spät ankommen.

    It's possible we'll arrive late.

  • Es ist nicht unbedingt so.

    It is not necessarily so.

  • Es lässt sich nicht vorhersagen, was passieren mag.

    There is no predicting what may happen.

  • Es muss wahr sein.

    It must be true.

  • Es wird brennen.

    It will burn.

  • Ich erwarte, dass es auf ihrer Expedition Probleme geben wird.

    I anticipate that there will be problems on their expedition.

  • Ich kann es beweisen.

    I can prove it.

  • Mit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit wird es heute Nachmittag regnen.

    In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon.

  • Roboter können gefährlichen Bedingungen standhalten.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

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