German Sentences About Relationships

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Embark on your journey to mastering intermediate German vocabulary with Clozemaster's engaging collection of 20 German sentences focused on 'Relationships'. Each thoughtfully curated phrase comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, providing an immersive learning experience. Hone your language skills by familiarizing yourself with essential German phrases that delve into the complexities of human connections. Whether it’s for casual conversations or deep discussions, our compilation is ideal for expanding your linguistic repertoire. Dive into the heart of communication as these German sentences elevate your comprehension and expression in one of the world's most influential languages. Start mastering German relationships vocabulary on Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Das Paar umarmte sich fest.

    The couple embraced each other tightly.

  • Deine Selbstsucht wird dich deine Freunde kosten.

    Your selfishness will lose you your friends.

  • Du bist mein Freund.

    You are my friend.

  • Du wirst bald aufhören, an sie zu denken.

    You will soon cease to think of her.

  • Er behandelt mich wie ein Kind.

    He treats me as a child.

  • Er hat ihren Rat ignoriert.

    He ignored her advice.

  • Er hat viele Bekannte.

    He has a lot of acquaintances.

  • Er schwärmt für sie mehr als für irgendjemand anderen.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Gib Tom einen Kuss.

    Give Tom a kiss.

  • Ich habe Tom das Geheimnis erzählt.

    I told the secret to Tom.

  • Ich schätze Ihre Unterstützung.

    I appreciate your support.

  • Ich sehe ihn selten.

    I see him rarely.

  • Ich vertraue ihr.

    I trust her.

  • Maria gab Tom eine Schachtel Pralinen, die mit Gift versetzt waren.

    Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.

  • Mein Bruder ist schwul.

    My brother is gay.

  • Niemand vertraut ihm mehr.

    No one trusts him anymore.

  • Sie hat sein Vertrauen missbraucht.

    She betrayed his trust.

  • Tom hat heimlich mit Mary Kontakt aufgenommen.

    Tom has secretly been contacting Mary.

  • Tom hat Mary eine Nachricht geschickt.

    Tom sent Mary a message.

  • Tom hat zwei Freundinnen.

    Tom has two girlfriends.

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