German Sentences About Transportation

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Embark on a linguistic journey through the world of transportation with Clozemaster! Our expertly curated list of 20 practical German sentences, accompanied by helpful text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, is the perfect tool for intermediate German learners looking to enhance their vocabulary. Dive into essential German phrases related to travel and transport, making navigation and communication on your next German-speaking adventure seamless. Whether it's by land, air, or sea, mastering these key German vocabulary terms will accelerate your language proficiency and confidence. Start learning with our interactive exercises, and take one step closer to fluency in German today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Das Auto explodierte einige Momente nach dem Zusammenstoß.

    The car exploded a few moments after the collision.

  • Das Schiff ging auf See verloren.

    The vessel was lost at sea.

  • Dein Fahrrad ist viel neuer als meins.

    Your bicycle is much newer than mine.

  • Der Bus fuhr nach Norden.

    The bus was heading north.

  • Der Lkw war mit Waren beladen.

    The lorry was loaded with goods.

  • Der Motor stoppte, während er im Leerlauf war.

    The engine stopped while it was idling.

  • Die Kosten für den Bau der Eisenbahn waren sehr hoch.

    The cost of building the railroad was very high.

  • Die Landung war perfekt.

    The landing was perfect.

  • Dieses Auto ist geräumig und praktisch.

    This car is spacious and practical.

  • Diese Straße führt nach Hongkong.

    This road leads to Hong Kong.

  • Er drehte das Steuer nach rechts.

    He turned the wheel to the right.

  • Er hat den Wohnwagen an sein Auto angehängt.

    He hitched the caravan to his car.

  • Es gibt genügend Platz für ein weiteres Auto.

    There is ample room for another car.

  • Hier fahren jeden Tag viele Autos vorbei.

    Many cars pass here every day.

  • Ich gehe normalerweise.

    I usually walk.

  • Ich habe einen platten Reifen.

    I got a flat tire.

  • Ich habe sie am Bahnhof gesehen.

    I saw her at the station.

  • Ich nehme diesen Weg zur Schule.

    I take this route to school.

  • Nachrichtensender verwenden Hubschrauber, um über den Verkehr zu berichten.

    News stations use helicopters to report on traffic.

  • Zwei Lastwagen sind zusammengestoßen.

    Two trucks bumped together.

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