French Sentences About At a Restaurant

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Master your French vocabulary and elevate your language skills with our engaging and educational Clozemaster platform! Dive into our meticulously curated list of 20 authentic French sentences centered around the bustling atmosphere "At a Restaurant." Each sentence is equipped with crisp text-to-speech audio and precise English translations to aid your comprehension. Tailored for the intermediate French learner, this interactive resource is the perfect tool for grasping common French phrases and expressions used in dining scenarios. Enhance your spoken French and understanding of local customs through our immersive audio-visual learning experience. Bon appétit to your language journey!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Avez-vous des plats régionaux ?

    Do you have any regional dishes?

  • Beaucoup de chauffeurs de camion mangent ici.

    A lot of truck drivers eat here.

  • Ce restaurant est probablement un peu cher.

    That restaurant is probably a little pricey.

  • Ces boissons sont à la carte.

    These drinks are a la carte.

  • Elle demande toujours des olives supplémentaires.

    She always requests extra olives.

  • Excusez-moi, j'ai laissé tomber mes baguettes.

    Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks.

  • Il a commandé des nuggets de poulet pour le déjeuner.

    He ordered chicken nuggets for lunch.

  • Ils prétendent que c'est le meilleur restaurant.

    They claim it's the best restaurant.

  • Je suis allé dans ce restaurant une fois auparavant.

    I've been to that restaurant once before

  • Le repas était délicieux et abordable.

    The meal was delicious and affordable.

  • Le restaurant va rouvrir sous une nouvelle direction.

    The restaurant will reopen under new management.

  • Le serveur a apporté nos repas.

    The waiter brought our meals.

  • Pourrais-je avoir un morceau de cheesecake ?

    Could I have a piece of cheesecake?

  • Pourrions-nous commander à manger maintenant ?

    Could we order food now?

  • Puis-je voir un menu, s'il vous plaît ?

    May I see a menu, please?

  • Quels jus de fruits avez-vous ?

    What fruit juices do you have?

  • Que voudrais-tu boire ?

    What would you like to drink?

  • Souhaitez-vous un plateau avec ça ?

    Do you want a tray with that?

  • Veuillez prendre ma nourriture.

    Please take my food.

  • Voulez-vous le thé chaud ou glacé ?

    Do you want the tea hot or iced?

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