French Sentences About Driving

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Boost your French vocabulary behind the wheel with Clozemaster's engaging collection of 20 French sentences about driving! Perfect for intermediate French learners, this compilation not only expands your lexicon but also sharpens your understanding of key French phrases. Each sentence comes equipped with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to practice pronunciation like a native. Paired with English translations, our list is crafted to accelerate your grasp on French driving-related dialogue. Get ready to navigate French conversations smoothly and equip yourself with a richer set of French expressions essential for any language journey. Start mastering the road of French language with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cette voiture va beaucoup plus vite que celle-là.

    This car goes much faster than that.

  • Il a appuyé sur la pédale de frein.

    He pressed the brake pedal.

  • Il a essayé d'éviter la circulation.

    He tried to avoid the traffic.

  • Il a laissé le moteur tourner.

    He left the motor running.

  • Il avait des préjugés contre les femmes conductrices.

    He was prejudiced against women drivers.

  • Il y a toujours beaucoup de véhicules sur cette route.

    There are always a lot of vehicles on this road.

  • J'ai appuyé prudemment sur l'accélérateur.

    I stepped on the accelerator carefully.

  • J'ai tourné mon volant vers la droite.

    I turned my steering wheel to the right.

  • Je conduis un camion de livraison.

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • Je suis en train de conduire une moto.

    I am riding a motorcycle.

  • La voiture a besoin de nouveaux pneus.

    The car needs new tires.

  • La voiture était une épave complète.

    The car was a complete wreck.

  • Le but d'un rond-point est de ralentir la circulation.

    The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic.

  • Les freins ne répondent plus !

    The brakes are gone!

  • Ma mère ne conduit jamais par crainte de provoquer un accident.

    My mother never drives for fear of causing an accident.

  • Nous avons garé la voiture dans le garage.

    We parked the car in the garage.

  • Sa voiture a été sérieusement endommagée.

    His car was seriously damaged.

  • Tom a continué de klaxonner.

    Tom continued to honk the horn.

  • Trouver un stationnement au centre-ville est tellement frustrant.

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

  • Vous devriez garder votre pare-brise propre.

    You should keep your windshield clean.

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