French Sentences About Plants

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Elevate your intermediate French vocabulary with Clozemaster's comprehensive collection of engaging French sentences, focusing on the fascinating theme of "plants." Perfect for language enthusiasts eager to enhance their skills, our curated list of 20 French phrases, accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, offers a dynamic and immersive learning experience. Dive into the world of French flora and master key terminology with our intuitive platform. Whether you're looking to refine your pronunciation or expand your lexicon, our resource is designed to bolster your command of French vocabulary through practical and captivating content. Start blossoming in French today with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Après la pluie, de nombreux champignons poussent dans la forêt.

    After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.

  • Arrose les plantes.

    Water the plants.

  • Comment sentent les œillets ?

    What do carnations smell like?

  • Cultivez vos propres légumes chez vous.

    Grow your own vegetables at home.

  • Des graines ont été semées dans le champ.

    Seeds were sown in the field.

  • Il y a des plantes qui repoussent les insectes.

    There are plants that repel insects.

  • J'ai acheté un cactus.

    I bought a cactus.

  • J'ai planté une graine dans le jardin.

    I planted a seed in the garden.

  • Je veux planter un jardin de légumes.

    I want to plant a vegetable garden.

  • La botanique s'occupe de l'étude des plantes.

    Botany deals with the study of plants.

  • Le chocolat est fabriqué à partir de fèves de cacao.

    Chocolate is made from cocoa beans.

  • Le jardinier arrose les roses avec de l'eau.

    The gardener is spraying the roses with water.

  • Les fleurs l'ont réconfortée.

    The flowers cheered her up.

  • Les roses dans le jardin sont fleuries.

    The roses in the garden are blooming.

  • Les vieilles plantes finissent par mourir.

    Old plants eventually die.

  • Ma grand-mère a beaucoup de végétation qui pousse spontanément.

    My grandmother has a lot of vegetation that grows spontaneously.

  • Notre jardin a produit une abondance de choux l'année dernière.

    Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.

  • Nous cultivons du blé ici.

    We grow wheat here.

  • Qui a planté l'arbre ?

    Who planted the tree?

  • Tom a arrosé les fleurs.

    Tom watered the flowers.

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