Hindi Sentences About Games

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Welcome to Clozemaster's engaging platform, the ideal destination for intermediate Hindi learners looking to expand their Hindi vocabulary with practical Hindi sentences about games. Our carefully curated list of 20 Hindi phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, is tailored to bolster your language skills in a fun, game-like setting. Whether you're looking to master common Hindi terms or immerse yourself in everyday Hindi dialogue, our interactive sentences will guide you through the nuances of the language while enhancing your comprehension and pronunciation. Ready to play your way to Hindi proficiency? Let's dive into the world of games and learn Hindi in an enjoyable and effective manner!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Hindi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • आपकी मूर्खता की वजह से हम खेल हार गए।

    Thanks to your stupidity, we lost the game.

  • इस गेम का मकसद स्क्रीन पर दिखाई दे रहे सभी बम को फोड़ना है।

    The aim of this game is to explode all the bombs on the screen.

  • एक कार्ड लें।

    Take a card.

  • कौन सी टीमें खेल रही थीं?

    What teams were playing?

  • क्या आपने कभी डोमिनोज़ खेला है?

    Have you ever played dominoes?

  • खेल अभी शुरू ही हुआ था जब उन्होंने पहला अंक स्कोर किया।

    The game had hardly started when they scored the first point.

  • गो खेलना मेरा एकमात्र मनोरंजन है।

    Playing go is my only recreation.

  • टॉम ने जिगसॉ पहेली पूरी की।

    Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

  • टॉम ने मैरी को चेकर्स में हराया।

    Tom beat Mary at checkers.

  • देवियों और सज्जनों, खेल शुरू करें।

    Ladies and gentlemen, start the game.

  • पासा फेंकें।

    Throw the dice.

  • मुझे सॉलिटेयर खेलना पसंद है।

    I love playing solitaire.

  • मैं केवल सामाजिककरण के लिए बोर्ड गेम खेलता हूं।

    I play board games just to socialize.

  • मैंने उसे गोल्फ में हराया।

    I beat him at golf.

  • मैं लाटरी जीत गया।

    I won the lottery.

  • वह दौड़ का विजेता था।

    He was the winner of the race.

  • वह शतरंज में किसी को भी हरा सकता है।

    He can beat anyone at chess.

  • हमारे बीच स्नोबॉल लड़ाई हुई।

    We had a snowball fight.

  • हाथी एक शतरंज का मोहरा है।

    A rook is a chess piece.

  • हाफटाइम पर स्कोर क्या था?

    What was the score at halftime?

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