Hindi Sentences About Weather

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for expanding your Hindi vocabulary with essential weather-related Hindi sentences! Our carefully curated list of 20 Hindi phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is designed to boost your language skills at an intermediate level. Learn how to talk about the climate like a native speaker through interactive practice. From sunny days to stormy nights, you'll master Hindi vocabulary associated with all sorts of atmospheric conditions. Dive into our engaging material and confidently converse about the weather in Hindi, reinforcing your understanding with authentic Hindi sentences. Let's turn your language learning into a breezy endeavor!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Hindi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • आकाश में एक बादल तैर रहा था।

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • आज आसमान में निराशाजनक बादल छाए हुए थे।

    The sky was depressingly cloudy today.

  • आज इस साल का सबसे गर्म दिन है।

    Today is the hottest day this year.

  • आज दोपहर को संभावतः बारिश होगी।

    It will likely rain this afternoon.

  • आज मौसम अच्छा है।

    Today the weather is nice.

  • इन फूलों को बारिश से बचाना चाहिए।

    These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.

  • एक ऋतुविज्ञानशास्री वह व्यक्ति है जिसके साथ मौसम हमेशा सहमत नहीं होता है।

    A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree.

  • जब मैं जागा तो बर्फबारी हो रही थी।

    When I awoke, it was snowing.

  • जैसे-जैसे सर्दियाँ आ रही हैं, यह ठंडा होता जा रहा है।

    It's getting colder as winter approaches.

  • तूफान आ रहा है।

    The storm is coming.

  • तूफान ने पूरे गांव को तबाह कर दिया।

    The hurricane obliterated the entire village.

  • पूरी रात हवा चलती रही।

    The wind blew all night long.

  • पूरे दिन बारिश लगातार होती रही।

    The rain was continuous all day.

  • बारिश के कारण फुटबॉल का खेल छोटा किया गया।

    The football game was shortened by rain.

  • बेहतर होगा कि आप रेनकोट पहन लें।

    You had better put on a raincoat.

  • सूखे के दौरान भोजन की कमी हो रही थी।

    Food was getting scarce during the drought.

  • सूरज बादलों के पीछे से उभरा।

    The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

  • सूर्योदय अविश्वसनीय रूप से सुंदर था।

    The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.

  • हम गर्मी में पसीना बहा रहे थे।

    We were sweating in the heat.

  • हम सोचते हैं कि बारिश होने वाली है।

    We think it's going to rain.

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