Indonesian Sentences About At the Office

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Welcome to our Clozemaster page dedicated to enhancing your Indonesian vocabulary with 20 essential sentences about "At the Office". Designed for learners aiming to master intermediate Indonesian, this resource features sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Our curated list of Indonesian sentences and phrases will help you navigate office-related conversations with confidence. Improve your comprehension and fluency by immersing yourself in practical scenarios, and take your language skills to the next level. Whether you're preparing for a business trip or expanding your linguistic repertoire, this page is your gateway to mastering Indonesian seamlessly.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Apakah itu pensilmu?

    Is that your pencil?

  • Apa kamu suka rekan kerjamu?

    Do you like your coworkers?

  • Dalam pertemuan tersebut, ia menanyakan tentang kemajuan proyek.

    During the meeting, he inquired about the progress of the project.

  • Dia dibebaskan dari kehadiran pada rapat tersebut.

    She was excused from attendance at the meeting.

  • Dia mengatakan kepada atasannya apa yang dia pikirkan.

    She told her superior what she thought.

  • Dia merasa bosan dalam rapat tersebut.

    She was bored in the meeting.

  • Hentikan obrolan dan mulailah bekerja.

    Cut the chit-chat and get to work.

  • Ini adalah kantor ku.

    This is my office.

  • Jam berapa waktu makan siang?

    What time is lunch?

  • Kami membuat prosedur perusahaan yang baru.

    We are establishing new company procedures.

  • Kantor saya terletak di pusat kota.

    My office is located downtown.

  • Keduanya adalah rekan kerjaku.

    Both are my colleagues.

  • Mereka bekerja bersama.

    They work together.

  • Perusahaan kami memproses banyak formulir setiap hari.

    Our company processes many forms daily.

  • Printer membutuhkan kertas.

    The printer needs paper.

  • Saya bekerja di kantor akuntansi.

    I work in an accounting office.

  • Saya menandatangani kontrak saya.

    I am signing my contract.

  • Saya mohon maaf atas keterlambatan pengiriman agenda ini.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • Sebagian besar karyawan kami berusia muda.

    Most of our employees are young.

  • Tim kami akan mengerjakan sebuah proyek penting bulan depan.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

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